
How is Planet "X" the 12th Planet???

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to me this does not make sence couse the Sun is a Star not a Planet, Without that there are 8 Planets if Pluto were a Planet that "X" would be TEN that is what "X" stands for in Roman Numerals! some one eplain please!!! ROFLMAO!




  1. welp, your grammar is hurting... other than that, Planet X is a hypothetical planet beyond Pluto. Its existence was argued for on the basis of apparent discrepancies in the orbit of Neptune. This led to the discovery for Pluto, but Pluto's mass was not sufficent to explain Neptune's orbit, so the search continued. However these apparent discrepancies were resolved when the Voyager space probes discovered that Neptune's mass had been badly calculated; with Neptune's newly discovered mass taken into account, there was no longer a need for any new planet to explain Neptune's orbit.

  2. Look, Planet X and suchlike things are not true, merely myths and rumors by some people. Scientists and astronomers should have found this Planet X already if it exists.

  3. X isn't a number.  The term Planet X came about back when there were only 8 known planets.  Planet X was a hypothetical planet outside the orbit of Neptune that was interfering with Neptune's orbit.  Then they discovered Pluto, although it wasn't the Planet X they were looking for (it turned out to be a miscalculation in Neptune's orbit).  I think the Planet X you're talking about is the crazy talk that one guy was saying (can't remember his name) about Nibiru and the Anunaki and what not.  I guess he considered Sedna and maybe Ceres to be planets.  Or maybe he was just retarded and thought there were 11 planets, not 9 (all this c**p came out in the 90's).

    In any case, the X in planet X is sort of like the X in X-files.  Not like the Roman numeral.  There is no 12th planet, there isn't even a 9th.

  4. Given that Planet X doesn't exist,  I guess you can call it what you will, the 12th or the hundred and twelfth, it doesn't matter.

  5. No, there are only 8.  Pluto has been downgraded from a planet to a planetoid.  There is no planet X except in comic books.  

  6. there really is no X.

    well, there's a Racer X and a Malcolm X and an X-Files and a X Marks the Spot and a Bell X-1 and a Xavier Cugat (okay, that last one was a bit of a reach)...  but no Planet X.

    we have 8 planets.  The next one to be discovered would be IX or "nine".

  7. Actualy the X in planet X means unknown.

  8. *laughing*

    Planet X is a fictional planet!

  9. At the moment there are 8 official planets and 4 dwarf planets. The dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Eris and Makemake.

    The original Planet X was a hypothetical 9th planet (X meaning unknown) but its existence was deduced from an incorrect value for the orbit of Neptune. Voyager 2 gave us detailed values for the orbit of Neptune when it passed it in the 80's and the recalculation proved that Planet X doesn't exist.

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