
How is Quixtar / shaklee a scam? how does it work?

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i think i want to join these companies! but everyone tells me it is a scam! how so...




  1. Neither of these companies are scams.  The owners of Shaklee were on the Oprah Winfrey show (don't remember date but you can google it and watch the short video clip) and Quixtar / Amway has been around for about 60 years.  They are listed with the Better Business Bureau in all Provinces and States in which they do business.  They can also be seen in magazine ads (Oprah's O magazine, Success From Home, etc.), on tv commercials and sponsoring events like Easter Seals.

    There are many "tools" to help you grow your Quixtar business and make money faster than previously.  The person who sponsors you should be able to help you with that.

    And the products are second to none.  Excellent!

    When you listen to all the negative references about the Quixtar Business Opportunity, listen with a grain of salt.  People have their own twists on everything.  You alone can decide on whether it is right for you and you decide how you run your business.

    I am a Quixtar IBO and I retail some of the cleaning supplies and Ribbon gift incentives to other businesses.   Those are only 2 of the ways you can make money.  You decide on what you would like to focus on, based on your interests or expertise and do all you can to make it work for you, as well as get help and advice from your sponsor and upline.

    I hope my answer helps you.  Good luck!

    Contact me if you need more info:


    IBO 4100729

  2. Quixtar was launched in 1999 as a sister-company to Amway in the U.S. and Canada, offering more online options to its Independent Business Owners.  Amway went away in 2002 in North America as most IBOs transferred over to Quixtar, but now Quixtar is undergoing a transformation back to Amway Global branding.

    Amway Global offers a broad range of high-quality products for its IBOs to retail, including nutritional supplements, beauty and home care products. It offers a compensation plan that has rewarded more people than any other in the direct selling industry. And it's only getting better with improvements to compensation, incentives, product lines and marketing support.

    In recent months and weeks, Amway Global has unleashed massive ad campaigns, a national sponsorship of the YMCA, and a Presenting Sponsorship of Tina Turner Live in Concert, with more consumer exposure on the way. With all of this positive exposure and improvements to our business, including more oversight and control of independently produced "business support materials," there has never been a better time to start your own Quixtar/Amway Global business.

    For disclosure's sake, I head up Advertising, PR and Sponsorships for Quixtar North America/Amway Global.  

  3. It depends on how you define "scam"?

    Are these opportunities legit?  Yes.

    Will you make any money?  No, probably not.

    I am not sure about Shaklee but a just read a report that said that 99.99% of all Quixtar distributors lose money in any given year.  The problems with Quixtar are the tools and training seminars.  You will be told that "no one makes any money on the tools and seminars" but this is a lie.  The people at the top of the Quixtar food chain (the diamonds) make a vast majority of their money (75%-90%) from the tools and seminars.  They want your money and they that is how they get it.

    Quixtar is a bit of a paradox.  You will be told that the only way to be rich is to "plug yourself in to the system" and buy the tools and attend the seminars but the truth is that it is the tools and seminars that are making people broke.


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