
How is Rossi so good .........?

by  |  earlier

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I have the answer !

His Assen 2007 race was one of the best ever.

His Czech 2008 was a walk in the park after Casey dropped it.

Coincidence ?

No !! It was down to this : & also this :

Thats right, it all down to using double wet knee sliders on his RIGHT knee only.

Why does he do this ? I really dont know. There was plenty said on RO2 last year after Assen, but nothing solid.

Whatever the reason, it works for him!

Any ideas ? All welcome.




  1. You've gone and got me thinking again!

    As well as being a shining talent with good technical knowledge.

    The double pads must make it less of an effort to get the bike back up. As Girl racer rightly said.

    could he use them as an apex or braking guide?

  2. A quick answer from me as I am now off for a week

    maybe two - who knows !

    Advantage being - for possible wet race the double

    knee sliders enable the knee to reach it's destination

    (tarmac) much quicker whilst giving more leverage

    to pick it back up  -

    I guess giving less angle - Just my theory !!

    See ya soon guys & gals - x*x -

  3. Hi Wiggysan

    It's certainly a mystery. Probably just a gauge to give him a little more pre warning of being right on the edge of the tyre. Why right side only? Maybe even the great man himself finds it easier to crank it over on one side more so than the other, but I doubt it. (Personally I find it easier/more comfortable to get it over further on the right side).

    Maybe it could have something to do with his foot position. On the left he can use his toe sliders to gauge how far he's over, you're not gonna change gear when on the edge of the tyre like that. However, you could be on the back brake a little whatever side you're on (if you're the "God Like" Rossi), but not if your right foots at an angle trying to feel for the surface.

    I know we're dealing with centimeters here, but when on the limit, it could make all the difference.

    Interesting question.

  4. Interesting question.

    My take on the double knee slider in the wet is that you do need a slightly lesser lean angle.When riding at such speeds in the wet you dont wanna be thinking about the lean angle at each and every corner so by stacking the right knee slider you dont have to think about it you can just do it.

    Rossi is the most intuitive rider out there and the last thing he'd wanna be doin is upsetting his rhythm by thinking.

    When he does get into his rhythm it would be quite easy to forget about the lesser lean angle coz intuition takes over.

    The less you have to think about when racing a bike the faster you can ride.  

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