
How is Russias action in Georgia any different or worse than the U.S.'s treatment of Cuba.?

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Cuba is just one very small state close to the U.S. and the U.S. have done their utmost in the last 50 years to cripple them and make sure that no one can deal with them. They have even invaded them and still occupy Guantanamo Bay against Cuba's wishes.

With the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. Russia now has many countries bordering it whose ideologies and closeness to N.A.T.O. and the west could conceivably pose a threat to their interests.

Is it any wonder that the Russians are taking the action they are as it looks like they are to be entirely surrounded by countries with hostile agendas.

No doubt if faced with such a situation the U.S. would have done something similar if not much more dramatic. I point again to their treatment of Cuba and the U.S.'s over-kill in their dealings with them.

The U.S.'s criticism of Russia is not based on any real concern for the freedom of the people but just a cynical opportunity to score some political propaganda points.

It also seems to get glossed over in the news that the Russians were initially responding to threats to proper Russian citizens. True their actions may be out of order and an over reaction but given our record who are we to say?




  1. We didn't invade Cuba.

    We're not in Guantanamo Bay against Cuba's wishes.  If that were the case, we wouldn't be in Guantanamo Bay.

    You might want to learn a little about history and politics before you start inventing information.

  2. It's been more than glossed over that Russia acted in self-defense: it's taboo to mention in polite company. Yet another example of the corporate memory hole which sucks any inconvenient information into it and repeatedly propagates falsehoods. Russia did ovverreact and I don't condone their incursions into Georgia. However, it's not as cut-and-dry as "Georgia=good, Russia=bad" as the corporate media wants it to seem.

  3. For starters - Russia is killing & raping innocent civilians

  4. well the u.s. has not moved heavy armor into cuba's cities nor has it bombed them. also i kind of doubt if the border cities in russia get a whole lot of georgian refegues trying to escape georgian oppression  for the good life in russia.that would be the main difference.

  5. Why don't you ask the Georgians that are being killed by the socialist leaning Putin.

    You can hate the U.S. and freedom all you want it still doesn't change the fact Russians are murdering Georgians.  

  6. Thank you for your unbiased opinion.

    Mr Putin will be signing the cheque for you devoted service very soon.

  7. LOL.....cripple them?  Is that what we've done to the countless number of refugees we've taken in?  All righty then......  When we start bombing Cuba, then you can talk, until then you should stick to topics such as your health or the weather.  

  8. Wow your folks should of sent you to private schools

  9. Just to be straight, the US never invaded Cuba.  They may have assisted some guerillas in the 60's but that failed.  

    Also, I believe Russia claims that citizens of South Ossetia are citizens of Russia but in fact are citizens of Georgia.  

    Both sides are making wild claims.    

  10. Put down the Kool-Aid, pull your head out of your ***, and listen to the answers above me.  They pretty much said it all.

    tinbob - Well you are the one asking the question here. If you just wanted to hear what you wanted to hear and don't care for our answers then I highly suggest you cease asking repugnant questions.

  11. Russia has went in and killed a number of people, unlike the USA with Cuba. The USA is bought and paid for by USA corporate interests and rich Cubans who are still mad at Cuba for taking their property , accounting for an otherwise unjustified embargo.

    To the above poster, we are in Guatanamo Bay against Cuba's wishes, Castro has expressed the desire to have Guatanamo Bay many times.

    Thing is we have a treaty with a previous Cuba regime to lease that land. Now, the reason Castro doesn't invade Guatanamo Bay is because that would give the USA excuse to conquer all of Cuba.

    Castro, unlike Georgia, is not stupid.  Which is why he will not invade Guatanamo Bay (Castro doesn't cash the lease checks though, the USA has not paid money for the lease).

  12. Russians, Americans, two side of the same coin. Just different spin

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