
How is Sarah Palin a "disaster?"?

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Why is it that people look at the scrutiny she is recieving and consider her choice to be disasterous? Is her background any more controversial than Obama's? I mean really, we're talking teen pregnancy, troopergate, a spouse's DUI over 2 decades ago. Is any politician (or any citizen) that sqeaky clean that the press wouldn't find something? This issue is her credentials- not what happened to her daughter and husband. She may or may not be qualified, but these "disasterous" controversies are rather overblown.




  1. Conservatives in general are bad for the world as a whole.

  2. She aint!   She is a breath of FRESH AIR and will SHAPE UP WASHINGTON!   Rid of CORRUPTION!    RID of wasteful Spending!  Rid of Pelosi hopefully!



  3. I ask myself the same question. Obviously there are people out there who have a certain agenda and will sink to incredibly low levels to achieve it (OR at least attempt to, I think all this will come back to bite Dems in the a**)

  4. Only time will tell. Tonight will be a HUGE test.  This guy pretty much summed it up best.

  5. It's a case of the old double standard.

    If a democrat does it, it's alright. If a republican does it, hang them.


  6. Well it really calls McCain political ability. He should of known they would be killed on this. The Dems don't even have to do anything, because it's the news at the moment every reporter is ripping back through her life.  

  7. No credibility.


    Animal hater.

    Wants Alaska to secede from US.

    McCain - Stupid and angry

  8. It has been a huge blow...but not to McCain...

    Obama has vanished from all media...

    Obama's supporters are focusing in on "experience" and (gasp!) "issues".....two things he does NOT want to be anyone's focus...

    So-called "progressives" are exposing themselves as sexist ("shouldn't she be home with the kids?")....elitist ("ONLY the governor of Alaska")...and anti-family ("why would a mother FORCE her daughter to have a BABY...?")..

    By next week, all Obama will have to run on will be "I'm not Hillary" again...

  9. Why she is a disaster might have something to do with the fact that she has more skeletons in her closet than a graveyard, don't ya think?

  10. Sarah Palin is a disaster for the McCain campaign because McCain's "hasty" decision of Palin is reflective of his poor judgment as the Senate Ethics Committe stated in 1989 "he lacked judgment"...Apparently, nothing much has changed....Palin was not investigated properly and the media has to do the work for McCain...Also, Sarah Palin's issues are not to be taken lightly...She is being sued in court, but she is also connected to Senator Ted Stevens (who is going to go to jail for corruption) and Steven Silver (who is also going to jail for corruption) as well as her pork barrel spending using the methods of insider Washington lobbyists....She has also been connected to a right-wing, extremist organization - the Alaskan Independence Party - through her husband....Sarah Palin comes with a lot of baggage...and if the GOP really wanted to win this election....they shouldn't have had to go 60 days into the election having to defend their VP from scandals....

  11. Disaster how?McCain has been getting more money now that she is his vp.People like her.

  12. She's a HUGE distraction with the RNC coming up. HUGE

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