
How is Solar Energy Source used in todays world?

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How is Solar Energy Source used in todays world?




  1. With the exception of nuclear, geothermal and tidal power, everything runs on solar energy.

    Solar panels convert light into electricity.

    Solar water heaters convert light into heat.

    The sun warms the atmosphere unevenly, creating wind and ocean waves

    The sun warms the oceans unevenly, creating currents.

    The sun warms the oceans and lakes, creating rain, some of which falls into watersheds ending in hydroelectric dams.

    The sun's energy is converted to sugars by photosynthesis, which gives you:

    Food to eat

    Food for the animals you eat

    Firewood to burn.

    Plant matter to die and be buried, giving (eventually) you coal, oil and natural gas).

  2. Solar powered Water heaters

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