
How is Thunder created?

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How is Thunder created?




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  2. lightning and thunder are both associated with thunderstorms. lightning is caused by huge electrical sparks in the clouds. thunder is caused by the sudden heating of the air by lightning. the heat makes molecules of air along the lightning's channel expand and collide with cool molecules. this sets up a wave which creates the rumbling sound of thunder. we see lightning before we hear thunder because light travels faster through air than sound.

  3. when two clouds rub with each other, or even 1 cloud rubbing with its self.. causes stattic eletricty .. and it slowly builds up more and more .. untill i can handle it anymore and has to let it go .. resulting in a bolt of lightning... when it cant handle it anymore.. the lightning is relased.. when it is relased it maks a big boom .. like when u rub ya socks on the ground then touch some1.. and u hear a lil tick .. thats whats happing... but in a larger scale

  4. the sound is made when the lightning breaks through the air quickly and causes it to seperate

  5. when there are more electrons in the sky than the earth, or the other way around, it creates an electrical charge-lightning. this is very hot, and cools very quickly. making it expand and contract. this pressure creates a loud boom-thunder

  6. I'm trying to be friendly to everybody by saying....Hi!

  7. Thunder is the noise of lightning.It is a type of "sonic boom" created by the rapid  heating(reaching about 30000 degree celcius) and expansion of air during lightning discharge.The air should expand faster than the speed of sound to produce such a sound.

  8. by the booming of the electrons hitting each other in the clouds??? i dunno look it up!

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