
How is Whey Protein Powder meant to be used?

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I brought some protein powder the other day for an easier way to have daily protein. I want to lose weight and tone up. I was wondering if this is the right powder or is it more for body builders who want big muscle???




  1. I hope by saying "easier way" you realize it is a SUPPLEMENT and not a SUBSTITUTE. It just gives you additional protein for building muscle, but is in no way a replacement for eating the right amount of meat/dairy/soy or whatever you eat to get protein.

  2. It'll give you a considerable amount of calories because it is meant to give energy to people who work out and if you don't use that energy then your body would just store it as fat; so you'll need to be doing quite a bit of working out to balance it out!

    but it REALLY helps you develop muscle and strength, which  isn't that bad of an idea in and of itself!! =)

    but I'm guessing this is not what you are trying to do??

    so I wouldn't use the whey if you're not gonna do any hardcore working out........BUT in my opinion I would HIGHLY suggest doing the hardcore work out because the more muscle that you have then the faster you burn calories.

    a frequent weight lifter burns twice as many calories at rest as any none weightlifter does at rest.

    plus all the girls love the muscles ;-D

  3. Protein is essential for building muscle.  Whey protein powder is meant to be mixed with water or whatever drink you chose.

    I usually just mix mine with cold water in a shaker bottle.

  4. I use whey protein with breakfast for more protein in my diet. to maintain muscle tone.  And its important for overall health.  

    People connect working out getting large with protein but its important for over all health you need it to live.

    its a nice quick fix to help with energy. :)  

    for weight loss, High Fiber, High Protein diet, avoid Soda's, and high Fructose Corn Syrup, and Aspartame.

    or at least minimize them if you can't bring yourself to avoid all together, though almost anything that has these things there are alternatives.

    If you want a sugar substitute use Sweet'n low its the best of the artificial sweeteners, or a generic.  

    Drinking tea helps with weight loss as well, especially Green Tea, also prevents cancer as a bonus, yay!

    Spanish is a super food, though any veggie is good :)

    Well good Luck.

  5. I used to use it you can lose weight by doing cardio you'll gain it by lifting weights. If you want to slim down go the cardio route.

  6. if you want to lose weight and you want to do it by cutting carbs, then adding protein to your diet will help. Bodybuilders get more cut by eating less carbs and more protein.  Instead of the body using the carbs that you eat as fuel, the body uses stored fat. this is why low carb diets help people lose weight.

    have a shake once or twice a day, whatever the serving suggestion is.  

  7. Whey protein is simply... protein!

    Its meant to feed your muscles after a workout (in most popular and useful scenarios). By giving your muscles protein is will build more muscle and make you stronger!

    I find the best way to use these powders is by making a yummy shake after I workout and lift weights.

    My recipe:

    1 FROZEN Banana

    1 Cup OJ (or milk if you'd like, make sure its NON FAT!!!)

    1 Scoop protein powder

    It is used by body builders to bulk up, because, yes, after a while of hitting the weights really hard, and using it, It will do just that.

    However, If your goal (like mine has and Is), to tone and loose weight, I would suggest a cheaper and more effective alternative.


    the difference is that it is from Soy beans. Soy contains allot of vital nutrition that our bodies LOVE! This protein will not only help you build muscle and tone, but help you loose weight! Plus, I find it more healthy, by not having preservatives and added sweeteners in it like Whey usually does, you get more nutrient.

    Next best part of Soy over Whey, its CHEAPER! Can use more powder for more protein, MORE times than you can with whey.

    (I usually buy a can that's 20$, whey of the same size is like 50-60$!)

    Earthier way, you don't need protein powder to do what your wanting. Do your cardio fitness, some pushups and pullups, and in no time you'll feel better, and start looking better!

    I wish you good luck in your goal!

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