
How is a 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 9300 graphics card better than an 8800?

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Or is it better at all? I don't know enough about graphics cards to know. Last I heard, 8800 was about the best you could get, and I've never seen this type for sale.




  1. 8800 runs rings around anything below the 9800's.

  2. There's been a lot of grumbling about how the 9xxx series is just

    a repackaged Geforce 8xxx.

    The 9300 you speak of is a on-board graphics chip. And is supposed to

    be released exclusively on Asus notebooks. (supposedly)

    Integrated Graphics are usually far inferior to their standalone counterparts. So I wouldn't count on any new games running...

    Not running well, at least.

  3. 9300 is the bottom end of the 9 generation ; 8800 is the top end of the 8 generation with almost the same power as 9800, the top end of the 9 generation. It's like comparing a Geo Metro to a Hummer.

    8800 is almost out of sale , already replaced; buy this one , it's unbelievably cheap for it's performance

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