
How is a Marxist or Socialist anti-american?

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I've seen several people on here talk about "anti-american Marxists"

I already know what marxism is i wanna know how can it be considered anti-american




  1. Because marxism and socialism are the antithesis of what being an American is.

    America was founded upon the concept of 'individual' liberty, not communal liberty. Our founding fathers stressed private property rights and the individual's right to the fruits of their labor. Neither of these concepts are included in Marxism or socialism. And Marxism and socialism would do away with capitalism, another thing our political heritage stressed.

  2. because the government after ww2 managed toconvince americans that communism or anything slightly like communism is pure evil and this has just kept on going generation to generation

  3. America was founded upon classical liberalism ideology--completely different form of liberalism that you find today.  

    Classical liberalism states that there is an intimate relationship between private property and liberty.  Marxists do not believe in private property nor they believe that you have right to the fruits of your labor.  It is an erosion of the individual and his rights.

    Jefferson slightly altered the Declaration of Independence, from Lockean philosophy.  The rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", were for Locke "Life, Liberty and Property." For Locke, the Founding Fathers and for us, property is synonymous with the pursuit of happiness and liberty is impossible without property.

    The essence of all slavery consists in taking the product of another's labor by force and that is what communism does in the name of the "common good". That is why being a Marxist and Socialist is anti-American.

  4. A social democracy is what exists (thrives) between the two extremes of pure capitalism and communism. Its totally American.

  5. goes back to the old McCarthy hearings and our fear of the *reds*

    a lot of Socialistic influence during the time of the GREAT DEPRESSION

    FDR tried to get a lot of socialistic practices instilled..some were shot down by the Supreme Court so FDR tried to manipulate the court through appointing more liberal judges..that plan failed with a lot of

    his *make work* projects

    No..Socialism was part of many cults in the US

    the AMISH? the MORMONS? they have one *state* or control

    that all the people join for the common good

    Actually if it were not for the lazy people and the overly ambitious people the plan of Communism would be a workers paradise like Karl Marx dreamed

    But Communism only was success full in backward countries that

    were very Russia , China and Cuba..

    Americana's hate the thought of a communist state..or socialism..

    although we still have Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid

    which really are socialistic plans that are failing badly

    even the post office is going privatization?"

    This is why most people have been brainwashed to fear socialism

    maybe rightly so?

  6. Well, they're just dumbasses. Just because Marxism was the government of the US's enemy (russia), and a few East Asian countries (actually, it worked out pretty good in china to some extent) doesn't mean it is bad. Communism would be the ideal government in a society where everyone is honest, and the government is not greedy. Some of Karl Marx's ideas are used in the American government.

    Marxism is in  fact so american, it has two major parties. CPUSA and the Workers' party.

    Socialism is definetely not anti-american, whoever told you it was, should be eaten.

  7. 1)  They are not necessarily anti-American.  John Reed was a pro-American Marxist.

    2)  Most of the time, when someone accuses an American,  politician or not, of being "Marxist" or "Socialist," the accuser doesn't know what they are talking about.

    3)  We have Marxists to even less degree than we have true Facists or Monarchists.

    4)  The concept of the "free market" was not the impetus of the founding of America.  Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was far less influential than the works of Rousseau, Montaigne, and Locke.

  8. It's not. It's just a different form of government. To Republicans,anything that's not their way is anti-American.

    99% of them have never even cracked open a history book to learn about Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto. It's not even close to what Democratic policies are

    I guess it's just easier to insult people than make legitimate criticisms. It's really pathetic

  9. The US is a Capitalist country, but it is also a democracy. Socialism is the polar opposite to capitalism, I guess I can see how that could be "anti-american" but the US is a democracy. If Americans vote for socialism, then so be it. Are they anti-American? No. They just feel that socialism or whatever ideology, is best for their country.

    If you ever hear someone call another person an anti-american, they're probably some r****d redneck. You never have people in other countries calling each other "Anti-Canadian" or "Anti-Swedish" because it's just stupid.

  10. Idiots use those words in such a way to make it sound like an insult when it's not it's similar to the words g*y and Jew people have assigned definitions to those as being "stupid" or "retarded" for example He's such a Jew *r****d" or "he is so Frackin g*y" "Stupid" personally I find it highly insultive and ignorant.

    Personally I believe in a liberal democracy and constitutional republic similar to the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek with that form of Government they have put an end to all war on Earth, greed, and poverty. And people don't work not to just survive and have a roof over there head but they work to better themselves and the rest of humanity through the exploration of themselves and the unknowns of the universe. But according to McSame and his followers that kind of thinking is weak and pathetic.

    Edit: I see we have ignorant people here as well evidenced by my thumbs down vote.

  11. America is based on a free market economy. Marxism undermines the economy hence undermining a value that this nation was founded on.

  12. corporatists want you to think that anything that would make them pay you a real wage or treat you like a human being rather than cattle, is anti-American.

    They want to return America back to the days when the government was completely dominated by trusts, and people had to send their kids to work in sweatshops just to eat and pay rent. AKA: serfdom

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