
How is a country's border decided?

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How is a country's border decided?




  1. Often, a country's borders are determined by natural features such as a coast line, major river or even the 'divide' running along the highest points of a mountain range.  A country's borders may have also been established by conflicts or treaties or even purchases.  The earliest explorers or settlers have also staked claims for their kings and queens.  It has been said that conquistadors first fell on their knees then upon the aborigines.

  2. quite often by a geographical feature , usually following war over a defined border that was defined by a different geographical feature .

  3. most of the times in the past it has been after war.

    Or sometimes it could also be by a pascifist accord.

  4. Usually through war..

  5. usually by treaty, often at the end of a war or other conflict.

  6. War, mostly.

    But, as someone says, vote is always possible. My town is actually in the process of voting where it's border should be, and whether we should just join this other town, so I personally know this happens.

  7. By war, treaty or some geological feature such as a river or mountain range.

  8. In the old days by war but many are still in dispute today so we hav.nt changed really.

    Recently a town on the border of Scotland and England voted to return to Scotland so that another way to define a border.

  9. wars

  10. you know those cave men in the geico commercials,well long ago their ancestors put dinosaur bones out as markers.and that's where the borders been ever since.

  11. wars.

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