
How is a fetus a.k.a unborn child part of a woman's body?

by Guest63256  |  earlier

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How does being inside another human equate to being a part of a person. It really makes no sense. If it is not, then what possible right does she have over the separate human life?




  1. I am 26 weeks preggy. to me when i seen the question my first answer is that baby is part of both parents. it takes boths persons to make this little baby the mother is the one that is connected to the child for 9 months. to me this baby is a part of me he is connected to me what i do and eat and drink affects him. if the child is not part of the woman then why do they have to cut the cord once the baby is born. it is hard for a man to truely understand some feelings of a woman. just like now as i sit here i feel him move inside me kicking rolling. IF there is something to happen to this baby there can be a chance it will hurt me also. I also have to take insulin not only for me but for him.  as far as i said earlyer this child is also part of the father. without him this child would not be here. my sons is a part of us both when he is born i will look at him and see us both in him. here is another though if i was to die if the babyy was not a part  of my life what would happen to the baby if a doc was not there to step in

  2. How is it NOT a part of her?

  3. I'm very much pro-life, but I can see why a woman uses that excuse. It is becaus it changes HER body. In every way... You get scars, you get sick, you bleed, you get fat! It's hard to explain.  

  4. Because she has to carry it for 10 months, I mean seriously how could you ask that?? It grows inside the women and its "attached" by the placenta(sp?), ever heard of the after birth?!  

  5. Um obviously it is part of a women because it is inside of her which makes it part of her!!!!!!!!!

  6. It is an excuse women use to help themselves sleep at night after killing their unwanted children.  It has it's own body, It's own blood with it's own DNA. It is a living being and has the right to not be killed and its dismembered body parts sucked out for the convenience of the mother. :(  How can these people live with themselves after stopping a beating heart.  It may need the woman's body to survive for awhile just like it needs someone to care for it after it is born to survive.  I personally believe that you forfeit your right to choose when you conceive a child. We are all aware of the consequences of s*x...for those of you that don't. sometimes leads to a baby! That is what it is for!!! If you aren't ready to accept those possible consequences, then DON"T HAVE s*x!!     PERIOD!!!  

  7. Umbilical cord? DURHH!

  8. You can believe what you want to believe. No one is going to be able to convince you otherwise, obviously.  

  9. The fetus is not a part of the woman's body and is a separate living human being. She has NO right over the life that has taken up residence inside of her for 9 months.

    How is it not a part of her one asks? Uhhh well is a tapeworm living inside of you and feeding off of you a part of you? Enough Said.

  10. You are asking a question that has been addressed by the Supreme Court and remains unresolved. The basic rule of thumb is that if the fetus is viable, able to live outside the womb, then it is a person. The point when a fetus becomes viable is open to debate, which is why the question remains unresolved. Religious people tend to believe the life begins at conception, the courts say it is when the fetus becomes viable. Who is right? In court, if a pregnant woman is murdered, the alleged murderer is charged with one count if before the fetus is viable, two counts if after. From a biological point of view, a baby acts more like a parasite than anything else, from conception through delivery, living completely off the resources of the mother and contributing nothing to the mother in return, which is exactly how any parasite lives off any host. In that sense, it is a separate entity in its own right from conception, but that does not answer the question of when life begins and the fetus becomes a legal person with rights of its own under the law as it exists today. Blame this ambiguity on the Supreme Court leaving this question unresolved. What makes no sense to ME are the people who use violence against clinics where abortions are performed, kill doctors and nurses, all in the name of "saving" unborn lives... which makes them seem no better than any terrorist in my book. I am pro-choice. I believe a woman has a right to CHOOSE. I disagree with abortion because a woman I was married to chose an abortion without my knowledge and I only found out by chance. Even though I am against abortions on principle, I will not go so far as to deprive women of their right to make a choice over what happens with their own bodies. This is just like the 1st amendment. I may NOT agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

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