
How is a forged letter, linking al Qaeda with Saddam Hussein, used as a pretext for War not Newsworthy?

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Ron Suskind, in his new book: The Way of the World, asserts-based on TAPED conversations with two C.I.A. agents- that the Bush White House ordered the CIA to forge a letter from Saddam Hussein’s Chief of Intelligence, Tahir Jalil Habbush, stating that alleged September 11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta, had received his training in Iraq.

The Bush White House and the CIA were getting secret, direct reports from Saddam’s Chief of Intelligence in January 2003 that stated that Iraq had no nuclear weapons program since 1991. When the U.S. invasion started in March 2003, the Bush administration “resettled” the Iraqi Intelligence Chief in Jordan and paid him $5 million dollars in what could be considered “hush money.”

After the Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame expose in July 2003, that proved that Bush and Cheney were trying to destroy those who were uncovering their lies about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and so-called links to the September 11 attacks, a new plot was hatched to cover-up Bush’s bold-faced lies.

Suskind explains the plot:

"In the fall of 2003, after the world learned there were no WMD — as Habbush had foretold — the White House ordered the CIA to carry out a deception. The mission: create a handwritten letter, dated July, 2001, from Habbush to Saddam saying that Atta trained in Iraq before the attacks and the Saddam was buying yellow cake for Niger with help from a “small team from the al Qaeda organization.”

"The mission was carried out, the letter was created, popped up in Baghdad, and roiled the global newcycles in December, 2003 (conning even venerable journalists with Tom Brokaw). The mission is a statutory violation of the charter of CIA, and amendments added in 1991, prohibiting CIA from conducting disinformation campaigns on U.S. soil."




  1. It is fact that Atta met with Iraqi intelligence in Berlin earlier in 2001.  It is a fact that Tim Mcvey met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in the US prior to blowing up the building in Oklahoma City.  It is a fact that Saddam paid the families of suicide terrorists 25,000 dollars.

    There were no WMD's = is not a fact.  It is simple logic.  ok ?  Just because you haven't found something does not mean it doesn't exist.  We have not found Osama - does that mean he doesn't exist ?

    Guess (not fact...yet) - Most likely the WMDs left the country on a diplomatic flight out of the country.  Probably French or Russian diplomatic flight.  Ever wonder why they have both kept their mouths shut the last few years ?

    Fact - the US has found over 600 nerve gas artillery shells in Iraq.  (most were old and not usable, but you wouldn't pick them up without a special suit on...would you?)

    Fact - the cease fire in 1991 stated that Sadam must show proof of destroying all WMDs.  

    Fact - Saddam never provided that proof.

    Fact - Huge amounts of yellow cake were found in Iraq (it wasn't weapon grade) proving Joe Wilson either lied or just never did his mission.

    Fact - Valarie was employed by CIA but was never an agent.

    Fact - Our Satellites can read a newspaper from outer space, those grainy photos Powell showed at the UN were not the real proof we had.  We are able to read the packing labels on the WMDs

    Fact - we gave WMDs to Saddam, why cant you believe that he had them ?  Why aren't you worried about where they really are ?

  2. Wow Ya really brought out a bunch of Mike Duncan's paid bloggers!  It is not a headline maker because this is old news.  It is one more nail in the neocon coffin.  

  3. Hello! It is CIA and other intelligence agencies work.  It is meetings in Baghdad between known terror suspects. There are thousand links but you have to be smart enough to see the forrest from the trees.

  4. The German Verfassungsschutz (same as CIA) had passed on information to the CIA but later warned through the German Foreign Office that the information was false. That Warning was also ignored.

    President Bush recently purchased property in Costa Rica - I wonder if we have an extradition agreement with that country?

  5. But the CIA did not break the 1991 amendment. It conducted it's propaganda in BAGHDAD! They worked the loophole!

    I don't remember the quote word for word, but, it was from the movie Usual Suspects: "the greatest trick the Devil did, was convince the world he didn't exist." something to that affect.

    The crimes the Bush/Cheney administration have committed are so heinous that it would be hard to accept the truth.

    As for it not being newsworthy, as the author pointed out, the media manipulates the media.

    One more movie quote, "the truth! You can' handle the truth!"... and that's the truth, for the majority of Americans have their heads buried in the proverbial sand and their nose to the grind stone because they have been encouraged to go into so much debt to live the American dream that they don't have the time to worry about what a few politicians are doing because they are being distracted by beaver shots of Paris Hilton!

    *adjust tinfoil hat*

    Personally, I believe Ron.

  6. For many people the truth is less important than being a 'good citizen' - following and assuming 'the powers that be' are acting wholly in our interests, as opposed to their own selfish agenda... i.e. no questions asked.

    For such people the truth is irrelevant, oil prices are irrelevant, coalition and civilian lives are irrelevant, destabilisation and massive human suffering is irrelevant, making more terrorists is irrelevant... being lied to and manipulated cynically is irrelevant.  

    Some people just don't get what democracy is supposed to be about, like 'good, subservient Germans' in 1920's and 1930's Germany such naive, trusting and slightly dim folk are liable to pay for their complacency.  But they don't care until they start to be effected... by which time it's too late.


  7. I saw Suskind on harball yesterday and he made a really convincing case. He seems very confident and his reputation is on the line. It sounds like there will be hearings and the whole 9 yards. I hope so. It would be so great to have solid validation that everyone can agree on that George W. Bush is a conman, a charlatan, a fraud, and a criminal. Can't wait to see how the wacko right tries to spin it. They've already tried comparing Bush to Batman. Lol.  

  8. I thinkBush has been vindicated now that:

    1. We just removed 550 tons of saddam's uranium as reported last month.

    2. Saddam's former General of the Air Force, General George Sada reported that Sadam moved his WMD's to Syria just before the liberation.

  9. Unfortunately for Suskind, the three sources he quotes deny that it ever happened and further deny that they ever talked to Suskind about anything of the sort.

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