
How is a good way to get my little sister to play volleyball for her school?

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It is very important to me and my grandfather, for reasons to complicated to explain in this space, for my little sister to play volleyball for her school. He wants her to play because he loves to see his grandchildren play sports, and I can't and she hates just about all other sports. She had an okay time last season but had a bad experience during basketball. She has a stage fright. It is important to me to keep in touch with the players on the team and see them often. I know if she gave it a shot, she'd have a good time. How do i convince her to just play? Please help.




  1. Forcing her or making her feel guilty won't do it.  Start taking her to a court and practicing with her.  Show her how much fun she can have and memories she can make.  If she still doesn't let her be.  She will find her own path in this life of what she likes to do.  I know that your grandfather wants to see her play sports, but maybe she isn't the athletic type or doesn't want to be.  My niece whom I have raised since she was a baby was the same way.  I introduced her to many sports but she didn't like them.  The one thing she did find (to my surprise) was boxing.  She has been doing it for almost 2yrs.  I figured encouraging her to do something is better than discouraging her into what i thought she should be doing.  If volleyball is not her thing then find something that is, and support her in it.  Remember it is her own shoes she walks in.

  2. but does she want to play?  why is what you want more important than what she wants?  if she is not interested in sports you shouldn't try to make her participate in them. let her do something that she enjoys.  You can suggest to her that she should give it a try for a few weeks but out side of that I wouldent push it.

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