
How is a mutation of the base sequence in DNA passed on to offpring?

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If the wrong bases are matched at the triplet codons, how does the offspring obtain this mutation?




  1. The only mutation that can be passed on to offspring are mutations in gamete forming cells. Somatic cell mutations do no pass their mutation to offspring.

  2. Generally speaking there are two basic types of cells: Germ Cells, which go on to form the gametes (ovaries or testes) and Somatic cells, which compose everything else.

    For a mutation to be passed on the next generation it must occur in the Germ Cells (called the Germ Line). For example, if a cell in your finger acquires a mutation it will not be passed on. If a cell destined to go through meiosis and become sperm has a mutation, the mutation can be passed on to the next generation providing a sperm carrying the mutation fertilizes an egg.

    Germ Line mutations are not noticeable in the parent (where they occur) as germ cells don’t express many genes: Their only purpose is to form gametes. You see their effect in the offspring. For example: Let’s say your dad is making sperm and in one cell there happens to be a spontaneous mutation in the Huntingtin Gene on chromosome 4. If this sperm goes on to fertilize an egg the offspring will (with greater than 90% likelihood) develop Huntington's chorea.

  3. If the mutation is a deletion or an addition (1 or 2 base pairs more or less) a frame shift reading error will occur  and chances are high that the offspring will not be viable if the mutation occurs in a place where proteins are being coded for. If it is a substitution, there is a chance the mutation will not cause any significant problems, or it can cause a small difference in a protein sequence and structure. Many times DNA errors will be corrected before the incorrect information is passed on. However, if it is not, then it will passed be on during meiosis (but only in reproductive cells as the other poster mentioned.)

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