
How is a vegetarian meal?

by Guest57990  |  earlier

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I want to become a vegetarian,but i dont know what foods should i stop eating but meat.




  1. Good Luck!

    Definitely educate yourself on a good vegetarian diet.  Complementary proteins are important, like beans and rice.

    Your body was not set up to be vegetarian, so you have to know what you are doing to get proper nutrition.

  2. You are really want to be a vegetarian,  you have to rely only on vegetables. But, to get a proper amount of proteins, y6ou g\have to eat a wide varieties of vegetables at a time..GOOD LUCK!.....

  3. Like no other  the veggie burgers are really to die for and i know how to make glutin out of pure wheat flour and wow is it good and not only is it good for you but it is good to the taste buds as well loma linda is know for some of the best veggie food in the world i would say try it you want go back.

  4. If you just want to be A vegetarian, then meat is all you have to cut out by definition. (This INCLUDES fish, seafood and chicken. I only say this because it never ceases to astound me how many so-called vegetarians consider fish, seafood and chicken to be vegetables)

    If you want to be a vegan then you'll need to cut out all meats (fish, seafood and chicken still apply) and all products that come from animals (eggs, milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.) And preferably go organic.

    As for vegetarian meals, there are a lot more options for the organically inclined than there were just 5 years ago, and as there's something for everyone, I'm sure you'll find some things that you like. It'll just take some time and experimentation.

  5. a vegetarian does not mean you only eat vegetables.

    if you are vegetarian don't eat anything that was, pig, cow, etc.

    if you are vegan that is a whole different matter, then you don't eat any animal products (milk, eggs, dairy, honey (yes honey!), cheese, etc.)

    if you are a meat eater now, don't go 'cold turkey' (pardon the pun) but ease yourself off of meat over a matter of moths...eating less and less.

    study thing high in protein and B vitamins! peanuts, nuts, tofu, soy beans, cheese, milk, beans, lentils, spinach.

    learn how to use your SPICES and HERBS well or you will not like the taste of what you are eating.

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