
How is a wasp connected to spiritualality?

by  |  earlier

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what is the meaning




  1. I believe you need a wasppédia to find the answer

  2. I have never seen a description of the spiritual aspects of a wasp but I am going to take a stab at what I would assume.

    The wasp is a social insect and it builds nests and works with other wasps to defend it's territory and young.  Knowing this I would venture to guess they tap into the warrior spirit in regards to territory and protection of the young.  Building a solid home life and actual building projects.  Also community aspects especially housing, childcare and defense.

    Blessed be.

  3. Friend,

    I think you have by mistake typed wasp instead of a Honey-bee (Bramaram in Sanskrit)

    The Honey-bee flies from flower to flower so patiently several hundreds of times in a day from the Honey-comb and collects nectar.

    Similarly a wise person interested in spiritual matters reads several books or aproaches several scholars and gets his doubts cleared and so gets Nectar like informatin about HIM .He is nevere tired of collecting the informatin and getting his ignorancedestroyed the the Knowledge  from the several books and scholars.

    So like a Honey-bee one must tirelessly tr and  get the Nectar.The Honey-bee never goes to the plants that have no flowers or to any other substances like sweets tc.It only goes to plants that have blossomed flowers.That discrimination and selection , that tiny insect has.Similarly the Spiritual seeker goes to only selected fully blossomed -like scholars to get his ignorance destroyed and to get knowledge about HIM.

    So Honey-bee is some times referred in Spirituality.

    Hope the information is helpful.

    God bless you.

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