
How is air made?

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How is air made?




  1. Is made of God.

    God's love

  2. Although oxygen exists naturally as an element, the oxygen component of air is cycled through the process of photosynthesis in plants.  The process of photosynthesis occurs in the cells of plants so that plants may be nourished or fed.  Nutrients and water from the ground are absorbed through the plant's roots from where they travel throughout the plant via a system similar to the human circulatory system.  Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is absorbed from the air through the plant's leaves and used in the chemical process in the plant's cells that yields the food for the cells when combined with the water and nutrients.  One byproduct of this process is oxygen (O2) which is released through the leaves of the plant into the atmosphere where it mixes with the naturally existing components of air such as Nitrogen.  Without the processs of photosynthesis, there would be no oxygen in air.  All naturally existing O2 molecules would combine with other atoms and molecules and be unavailable for use by people and animals for breathing.  You can research photosynthesis at http://www.WIKIPEDIA.COM.  

    see also air

  3. Oxygen comes from trees and plant life and it is in water. H2O and it all comes from God.....

  4. Ah I'm trying real hard here, but with a name like yours hahaha

    what a joke!

  5. the air is made by mix of gass like O2 CO2 H2O etc....
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