
How is aluminum fromed? ?

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and don't say from melting cans.




  1. aluminum in nature is found in form of ores. Its ore is called as bauxite which is reddish in color. Also, It is found in hydrated form i.e. it has the water of crystallisation with it. From the ore, firstly its enriched nd gangue is removed. This process is called as enrichment of ore. Then, the process of roasting takes place in which it is heated.. to give aluminuim oxide. And then reduction is done to get pure aluminium which is then enriched by electrolysis. Also, reduction in case of aluminium is either done with a metal of higher reactivity such as iron

    In the case of iron it is  called as thermite reaction nd is used to weild railway tracks :-)

  2. Aluminum is an element.   You cannot form it from other elements, but it can be separated from aluminum ore, primarily by using large amounts of electricity.  The most common ore is bauxite.

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