
How is an abortion is carried out at 24 weeks?

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How is an abortion is carried out at 24 weeks?




  1. It is a surgical procedure at that stage.

  2. Its hiddeous.  I am very much pro-choice, and not against abortion on the whole, but at this late stage it really is murder.  Just read the graphic discriptions of the methods used that have been posted.

    At this stage, it really would be better to consider adoption.  Mentally, I am not sure any woman could recover form having her baby pulled from her insides, limb by limb.  

    Did you have a dolly when you were younger?  That is the size of the baby at 24 weeks.  It doesn't even bear thinking about.

  3. its sad and shouldn't be done...

  4. there are so many people "like me" out there who can't have kids on their own who would love to adopt a baby!  Look into adoption.

  5. My friend had to have this done because her baby had so many genetic defects.

    They induce the woman, and have her deliver. They do not do anything after the baby is born except give the mother time alone with her baby, for however long they will live. They DO NOT cut the baby up. I was there with her.

  6. why would u get an abortion done at 24 weeks that is just mean!!! there are women out there that would love to have a child but cant why dont u look in to adoption?!?!?!?!

  7. They would have to do a partial birth abortion which is illegal

  8. 24 weeks is the latest stage an abortion is usually done at. The Dilation and Evacuation method is usually used. This is a less commonly used method, but is the preferred option for most of the 9% of abortions that are done in the second trimester. A material made from seaweed (laminaria) is placed in the cervix in order to dilate it. Forceps are then used to remove the fetus, in pieces.

    However, 24 weeks is very late and other, less common abortion techniques could be used depending on the clinic, doctor, and state. These include:

    Saline or prostaglandin abortions: (A needle is fed through the woman's abdomen into the liquid that surrounds the fetus. A saline solution, made of salt and water, is passed through the needle. The fetus dies of salt poisoning. Labor follows, and a dead fetus is delivered.)

    Hysterotomies: (These are almost identical to a Cesarean section. An incision is made in the woman's abdomen and the fetus is removed.)

    & Partial Birth Abortions

    (FYI: I know this sounds horrible and a lot of the answers are very graphic but it's important to remember there is a consensus among physicians and researchers that the fetus is unable to feel pain until the 26th week of gestation.)

  9. my daughter was born at 24 weeks and sadly died two days later, any one choosing abortion at this late stage is mentally sick unless its for health reasons and they have no option, does it really take 20 weeks to decide if you wish to be pregnant or not or is it emotional blackmail to see if the father will stand by you!

    basically thats abortion at 24 weeks sad isnt it!!!

  10. they will kill it then you will give birth how sads is that

  11. The details are so sick to even think about but i look after a little boy who was born at 24 weeks, he was only 1lb 6oz. he is now 16 months old and a very healthy child. That says it all.

  12. I think this is very rarely done, only in extreme circumstances where the life of the mother is at stake.

  13. yep they actually cut the BABY (THAT WAS ACTUALLY ALIVE AND WELL) into pieces and drag them from the womb.......................................

    re: the consensus that up until 26 weeks a BABY cannot feel pain  


  14. The docs inject a chemical into the babys heart to stop it. Which seems very inhumane to me. It upsets me just thinking about it.

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