
How is bacteria helpful to the body?

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How is bacteria helpful to the body?




  1. E coli helps in the digestive tract.

    "In the bowel, it adheres to the mucus of the large intestine. It is the primary facultative organism of the human gastrointestinal tract.[15] As long as these bacteria do not acquire genetic elements encoding for virulence factors, they remain benign commensals.[16]"

  2. Some bacteria in your intestines help digest certain types of foods that your body otherwise could not process.  

  3. Some bacteria is good because it ends up keeping the bad bacteria out. The good bacteria will like eat the bad bacteria. its super hard to explain simply.

  4. bacteria exists in your digestive system and it keeps your intestinal tract in check, thats why when you are on antibiotics, you are supposed to eat yogurt (the live and active cultures that exist naturally in yogurt are the same that exist in your gut. antibiotics kill all bacteria- even the good kind, so everynow and then you have to replenish the good kinds)

    Did you know Eschrichia coli exists in your intestinal tract as well? it's a good thing though. E. coli is only bad when its put in an environment that doesn't need it- like your blood stream.

    also, the strains of Streptococcus that exists naturally in your mouth and throat help keep you immune to the bad strains of Streptococcus pyogenes- which can lead to strep throat and scarlet fever.

    Lactobacillus exists in both the v****a and the gut. this bacterial species is beneficial because it inhibits growth of some pathogenic bacteria via competitive exculsion. This is why your health teacher warns you not to use a douche :P (douches are typically vinegar and disturb the good bacteria- if not kill it, which leaves you wide open and susceptible to a myriad of infections or disease.)

    Hope this helped!

    Bacteria is good for many reasons!!

  5. it balances it DUH(:

  6. It helps digest food, and produces B-12

  7. Ever been on anti-biotics and then found that your digestion was up the creek? That's what not having certain bacteria does to your insides.

  8. It helps digest food.

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