
How is barak different than jimmy carter?

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How is barak different than jimmy carter?




  1. Dont let Fox News brainwash you!

  2. He is a Senator, and not a Governor like Carter was...

  3. they are two peas in a pod

    they are both very similar...

    one is white and one is half and half

  4. He is a different person. o_o

  5. he would become president in 2008 not 1976. there have been quite a few changes.

  6. Carter almost ruined the country.... Obama actually will ( if elected)

    All we can do is hope there is another Reagan out there to clean up his mess!

  7. Jimmy's wife has always been proud to be an American. I don't know why that popped in my head but it sounds funny even if it's not true and I'm sticking with it :)

  8. Let's remember that while Carter did have many failings as president, his time in the last 28 years has been spent in humanitarian ways. The man won a Noble Peace Prize. Did Reagan?

    Obama and Carter have vastly different life experiences, ages and approaches to problems. Carter's biggest problem was that he eventually became paralyzed by the problems of the nation. I don't see that happening to Obama.

  9. What's your point? Are u trying to tie Barack to Jimmy to make him look bad? Carter's Presidency is regarded by some as a failure, but what would you call Nixon's Presidency? Or that of that other 'Born Again' President, George W. Bush? I do see some similarities between the two, such as their similar stance on negotiating with unfriendly countries, or support for civil unions, or on the use of nuclear energy.

  10. he has even less more arrogant.....and proposes even larger tax hikes....

    and i didn't even mention his loving pastor and congregation...

    i cant wait! can you????

  11. He has a brain.

  12. Ones white ones black the differance stop there

  13. Obamas worse.

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