
How is cheating on a fiance the same as on a spouse?!?

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John Edwards cheated on a SPOUSE... I only cheated on a fiance with my current husband for 1.5 yrs of our 5 yr relationship. I dissed Edwards for it and now my friend is calling me a hypocrite. Someone just explain how what I did is just like what Edwards did?!!! No one can answer that for me! That is because it simply isn't the same. It isn't as immoral, clearly! I SHOULD be able to bash Edwards for that!




  1. Cheating is cheating. And just because your current husband new the situation going into the marriage doesnt make him any better.You are a HYPOCRITE.

  2. It doesn't matter if your dating, engaged, or married! If you cheat, you cheat! I agree with your friend, you have no room to talk!! I hope your fiance finds out and leaves you!  

  3. freaking jebus!!! you cheated for a year a half. i am so biting my tongue on calling you more than a cheater right now

    the answer to your question is bcse you both are in what is supposed to be a committed (or not so apparently) relationship and you went outside that bond to seek out another person to s***w around with.

    how the heck do you NOT think that's the same thing???

    your friend is totally correct in their thinking.

    boyfriend, fiance, husband, common law husband- alllllllllll SUPPOSED to be a person you are FAITHFUL to

    cheating is immoral, indecent and not right

    bash on- just remember you are a kettle calling a pot black

  4. It's not the same. Cheating on a spouse is much more serious because you have committed to each other. As for a fiance, it isn't right but you had not said your marriage vows. Yes, bash Edwards. It is horrible that he effectively pushed Hillary out of the race and stole all those contributions all the while knowing he could ever be elected. I want back my donation!  

  5. Cheating is cheating, no grey area. If one has committed themselves to another then violates that trust, they are scum. End of Story.

  6. they are the same if you consider it in the context of violating the spirit of the commitment. You violated the spirit of the commitment with your ex-fiance. While Edwards not only broke a wedding vow, but also violated his commitment and the spirit of his commitment with his wife.

    So it's the same thing in that regard.

  7. With out a contract there is no binding agreement, so your friend eats beans.  

  8. typical woman

  9. Cheating is cheating.  What Edwards did to his spouse is the same as you claim you did to your fiance.

    The difference is that Edwards also put his political career and the Democratic Party at risk.  It is not a moral difference.

  10. It's a violation of trust.  It doesn't matter whether or not some piece of paper says you're married or not.  The violation of trust is the same.  You're a piece of garbage, and I hope your current husband dumps your *** when you cheat on him...

  11. Having a fiance is also acknowledging you are in a committed relationship with that person. Your going against your morals and showing no integrity in your commitment. A commitment is your word and is just as binding as an actual marriage. Don't you value your word and show your lover proper respect by your actions. You are a hypocrite.  

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