
How is color related to heat absorption?

by Guest32655  |  earlier

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I'm doing a project and I need to know some stuff on color and heat absorption.




  1. Light energy (heat) is reflected off white or light colored surfaces and absorbed by black or dark surfaces.

    Here is a quote from this website -

    First of all I have no idea why some Arabs wear black robes in

    the desert.  It seems counter-productive...but oh well, different strokes for

    different folks.  Anyway, the color that we observe (i.e.  the color of a

    particular object) is really only the light that is reflected from that

    object.  For example, a red ball appears red because when white light strikes

    it, all of the light is absorbed except for the red frequencies/wavelengths

    which are reflected into our eyes.  A white light is made up of all visible

    (and invisible) wavelengths all mixed together.  So an object that appears

    white, is reflecting all of the incident wavelengths and absorbing nothing (or

    very little).  A black object, on the other hand is absorbing all of the

    incident wavelengths (along with all of their energies) which causes it to

    heat up.  That is why snow does not melt in cold weather even when the sun is

    falling directly on it.  All of the incident light energy is reflected away

    and none (or very little) is absorbed.

  2. i dont know anything about that!!!!!

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