
How is comcast service for phone, internet and cable?

by  |  earlier

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Hi All,

I was browsing and looked @ this website.

Currently, I am with different phone and internet carrier. But want to add cable, but current company does not provide cable. So before switching to new comcast, how is the service and especially when you are signing thro;

Any good/bad experience, like not receiving mail-in rebate etc.

Please share...




  1. I do not have the Advantage Pkg, but Comcast in and of itself is a very good company. The only problems I've had is with the McAfee LSP when I try to bring up Internet Explorer . Everytime I try to connect I have to do a Windows Diagnostic Test to remove the McAfee LSP, then close the window and reopen it and everything is fine after that  . Everytime I shut down my computer and restart it I have to do this . Just haven't found out how to fix the problem with it yet .

    Also since Comcast is ALL DIGITAL if you are a Deaf or " Hearing Impaired " person this would NOT WORK for you if you use a Teletypewriter or other Teletype Device or someone else in your home uses one of  them, because Comcast took off  ALL FILTERS which have to be on there in order for Deaf people, or people that use Teletype Devices .

    Comcast WILL NOT make special circumstances for the Deaf in order for them to keep their service with their company, so they are going to be loosing alot of Deaf people whom have been customers for years before Comcast took over Time Warner Cable . Time Warner Cable had the FILTERS on the Lines so the Deaf people could use their Teletypewriters and other Teletype Devices, but Comcast took them ALL OFF when they took over, now the Deaf have to change Phone Companies just to use their Phone Service .

    A few times when having storms the phone would go out, but it's real simple to get it going again, so I didn't think it was actually a problem.

    And I also agree with the Comcast Customer Service Reps, they are rude, but you don't have to put up with it . First rule is to say '' with whom am I speaking to pls " .. you get the name and they are rude you turn them in .. call back and get you another Service Rep . Always keep records, day, time called, whom you spoke to, etc and with every RUDE ONE you turn them in to Comcast Headquarters and BBB. They have some good ones, you just have to be lucky enough to get one . Once you get their name and etc., and they are rude, hang up and redial to get another one . It may be a pain in the butt to do it but you don't have to be treated like that . YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER . YOU PAY THEIR SALARIES .

    I've also encountered a few rude Techs when they come out, are here 5 minutes say everything is fine then out the door they go, but all I do is just call them and tell them to make me another appt the problem STILL EXISTS ! so they have to set up another appt. I have to stay home anyway so it's not a problem for me, but they are going to come out as many times as it takes to FIND and FIX the problem as long as I pay for my service .

    Then I got the REAL  TECH out here and HE FOUND THE PROBLEM  in less than 10 minutes that it took all these other ones  2 months to find . That's because NONE OF THE OTHERS ONES WERE LISTENING TO WHAT I WAS TELLING THEM. See what happens when they DON'T LISTEN ?

    Please don't go thinking bad about Comcast because of what I have had to encounter cause it is and was just a rare thing that happened, it can't be fixed, but at least we know what the problem was now . And I would recommend Comcast to anyone that ask me . I just won't take the BULL from their Employees .

  2. I just moved a few months ago and I ordered my Comcast service through and didn't have any problem with it. I am not sure about Comcast Advantage though. I don't like to give out my e-mail address or phone number until I actually order something, so it makes me nervous.

    As far as Comcast service, I am actually really happy with all of it. The came and installed it when they said they would and I haven't had any problems. I even got a better deal on the Triple Play than if I had gone through the regular Comcast site. I think it varies on when you order, so it's probably best to check them both.

    I hope that helps!

  3. Comcast is one of the best Internet service provider

    Faster download Speed

    Wireless Network avaliable- not the best.

    McAfee Security included for free

    No service interruption

    Always Connected

    Modem fee- can be waived if you have one

    Might be pricey,-contact Door to door sales reps..for best deals.

    Best Picture quality

    Most HD channels

    Free Movies & TV programs -On demand.

    No NFL ticket

    Most Local & National Sport packages

    Record, Pause ,Rewind and play Live programs

    No Contract

    No Cancellation fee

    Free Installations

    VOIP Phone- You can get great deals from local Door to door sales representative.

    I prefer AT&T Call Advantage $24.99 Nationwide,low international rate or Vonage  from $14.99- 24.99 ..

  4. I didn't have any problems at all when Comcast was my provider, their actual services were great. BUT if you do need anything like a question answered, their customer service call center has THE WORST customer service ever. You really can not get anywhere. I had them for awhile before I moved to Tampa and instead of choosing a long distance plan, I just used for free long distance.

    Hope this helps!

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