
How is community service beneficial?

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How is community service beneficial?




  1. As a punishment? It's cheaper for taxpayers than putting them in jail.

    For the person doing it as a volunteer or as a general education requirement? Research has shown that doing something for someone else makes us happier than doing something for ourselves. Most people want a sense of meaning in their lives and having a cause or an attitude of helpfulness can provide that. It's a real mood lifter--if you find something you care about and can feel a sense of accomplishment with.

  2. I'll make a list...

    - It's a good use of what could be wasted time.

    - It obviously helps the community.

    -It will probably make you feel good.

    - You may meet a lot of cool people.

    -You might end up doing something you really enjoy.

    - It is something you can put on a resume.

    - You might give you more or a new experience.

  3. By virtue of thoughts and sharing to the people round the clock will help a lot

  4. Ideally

    The punishment fits the crime.  The people doing community service supposedly did something that damaged the community either financially or physically.

    It saves the tax payers money to have criminals clean up and hopeful make them think twice about doing foolish things to a community.

    In reality it probably doesn't save us any money and I'm not sure about the repeat offenders.

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