
How is consumer awareness exploited?

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I have a whole project to do on consumer awareness.I am in grade 10.




  1. read up on the obama and clinton race. see how stupid people are when it comes to media marketing.

  2. 1.false weightment

    2.duplicate products


              rice- stone

              pepper- papaya seeds

              ghee- vanaspati

    4.paying more price etc

  3. For any product and and its' producer creating consumer awareness is most important for their marketing promotion.  By creating consumer awareness, the message about the product is widely distributed and that helps in registering impulse purchases resulting in movement of the product to the consumer.  Once the product reaches the end user, then comes the quality of the product to sustain repeat purchases and thus  establishing a stable movement of the product.

    But in most of the cases, where the product quality is not maintained according the initial promotions, after creating the first(impulse) purchases, the sales may not progress.  In such cases, the consumers feel cheated/or exploited because they don't get the right product, which were supposed to be of better or best quality as per the producer's  original claims in the publicity campaigne.  This kind of advertisements end up in adverse publicity and the product will be due for a failure in its market.

    The consumers are getting exploited and fooled by the tall claims made by the producers  to induce undue attention to the product and sales created by such technics may not  last long and the asdverse effect  of the ads. will kill the product within a short span of time !

  4. What a consumer buys is directly related to what ads they see, as in what information is available to them.  For example, a new drug called Gardasil is supposed to protect against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV.  Gardasil only protects against 4 strains of the virus out of over 350 different strains.  Gardasil actually increases the likelihood of getting cancer if you already have HPV.    Because medical corporations want to sell as much of their product as possible, they tend to ignore harmful effects of their products and will only tell consumers the good part.  This is a common theme for many companies.  McDonalds, for example, says that all the chicken in chicken McNuggets is 100% white meat.  What they don't say is that the total chicken content is at most 44% of the whole nugget.  Sure, the chicken is really white meat, but most of what you eat isn't actually chicken.  Starting to get the idea?  There are likely millions of examples of this type of exploitation if you look for them.

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