
How is cricket played? Is it anything like baseball in America

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How do you get such high scores like 10,000 to 2,000? I thought I saw something like that.




  1. litle bit

  2. Cricket is an entirely a different ball game then baseball. The score you saw must be a player's total runs scored by him during his entire career as a cricketer.

  3. No they are 2 completly different sports..Baseball sucks-Cricket dos'nt...


  5. naah mahn...nuthin like baseball though ppl say baseball was found from Cricket!!! Cricket is totally diff. and "WONDERFUL" game!!

  6. The best thing you can do is watch it!

    Brendon McCullum - very good innings

  7. Cricket and BAseball are two different games.

    The only similarities are that you have a batsmen who strikes the ball, a bowle who pitches it and that you have to score runs.

    But the way runs are scored is totally different.

    First of all, in cricket the ball is primarily bounced onto the ground when it is pitched by the bowler who 'runs' into the wicket unlike baseball where you bowl from a standing position.

    In cricket the ground you throw a ball onto is a rectangular pitch/wicket.

    In cricket, there are three sticks placed at each end of the pitch (one behind the batsmen and in front of the umpire) called stumps. A bowler's aim is to get a batmen out by either getting him caght or hitting the stumps at the end of the batmen. There are other ways of getting the batsmen out as well.

    Also, in cricket the gorund is a full oval.

    In circket, you have two batsmen playing at a time instead of 4 in baseball.

    Runs are scored by both the batsmen runnig opposite to each other but parallel to the pitch.

    The stumps on the other end are used for run outs i.e. when a batsman plays a shot and runs, if the bowler can hit these stumps before the batsmen crosses a 'crease' or aline which is drawn just ahead of the stumps, then he is out.

    The 10000 scores you are talking about are the total runs by a batsmen over his entire career.

    Reaching 10000 is considered a great feat.

  8. There has never been scores like 2000 or 10000 in cricket.

    To know more about cricket, please check the following link:

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