
How is curd,cheese, and other products of milk made?

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How is curd,cheese, and other products of milk made?




  1. to make curd you need milk take in a bowl put two table spoon of lemon juice and cover it .leave for some hours it is better to do it at night morning your youghurt will be ready.

  2. From fermentation. By keeping the milk to spoil after that milk becomes sour and it turns into curds.  

  3. Cheese curds are usually the fresh curds of young Cheddar cheese.They would have become Cheddar, pressed into a mould and aged. Instead, the curds are removed from the vat and packaged for immediate sale in their natural form—random-shaped nuggets the size of unshelled peanuts. Curds are meant to be eaten the day they are made. While many people describe cheese the way they describe fresh-baked muffins—after 12 hours, the charm is gone, after 24 hours, the freshness is gone and in a few days, they start to dry out—vacuum packaging is helping to preserve curds for those of us who don’t live close to creameries or farmers’ markets.

  4. Cheese is a food made from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep, by coagulation. The milk is acidified, typically with a bacterial culture, then the addition of the enzyme rennet or a substitute (e.g. acetic acid or vinegar) causes coagulation, to give "curds and whey".[1] Some cheeses also have molds, either on the outer rind (similar to a fruit peel) or throughout.

    curd:Milk that has been left to sour (raw milk alone or pasteurized milk with added lactic acid bacteria) will also naturally produce curds, and sour milk cheese is produced this way. The increased acidity causes the milk proteins (casein) to tangle into solid masses, or "curds". The rest, which contains only whey proteins, is the whey. In cow's milk, 80% of the proteins are caseins.  


    i hope this helped some!!!!

  6. curd is made by adding a bit of citric acid or a bit of curd to warm milk and letting it set for 5-7 hours.

    cheese is made by hanging curdled milk in a muslin cloth for an hour.

    clarified butter or ghee is made by heating cream till it boils and skimming of the top foam.

  7. The milk is usually heated up and constantly stirred to get the lumpy texture


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