
How is custody determined in Colorado?

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Yet another question! My husband is filing for divorce on Monday. He has a lawyer- I don't. I was told that custody in Colorado is given 50/50. Is this true? It's not that I want or expect all custody, it just seems crappy that our 3 year old is going to be shipped back and fourth. It's also crappy because I spent the first 2 1/2 years of her life as a stay at home mom.




  1. you will go to court and the court will determine the best course of action.  It can arrange from 50/50 to every other weekend and holidays

  2. Yeah, well the kid will grow up feeling crappy that her parents can't work things out in a mature way!

    Why do people always think custody means where the kid lives?

    LEGAL CUSTODY: The right and obligation to make decisions about a child's upbringing, including schooling and medical care

    PHYSICAL CUSTODY:The right and obligation of a parent to have his child live with him.

    It is not uncommon for the parents to share legal custody, even though one parent has physical custody. Another arrangement is for the parents to share both legal and physical custody.

    I have many children in my classes at school who do have parents spit things 50-50 and I can tell you, only parents who are able to put aside their anger are able to do that. The kids are better adusted because of it. Remember, children have the right to be loved equally by both parents

    There are some forms here you might be interested in.

    If you don't have some legal advice, you may not get equal representation.

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