
How is diet soda such as diet coke or diet pepsi worse than the regular kind?

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How is diet soda such as diet coke or diet pepsi worse than the regular kind?




  1. It all depends on point of view.

    There are those who claim that artificial sweeteners found in diet soda are dangerous. Splenda, Aspartame (Nutrasweet) and Sacharin are not "natural" products. Although they have not been proven to be as harmful as some say, it is probably wise to avoid consuming too many chemicals.

    On the flip side, regular soda with it's massive sugar content is probably bad for sustained energy levels as they wildly swing your blood sugar, bad for teeth, and have tons of calories.

    I drink 1 or 2 diet sodas a day just for a change of pace from water, but I would rather not even feel the need to do that.

  2. None of the artificial sweeteners being used in the diet sodas are safe, particularly in the amounts most soda drinkers imbibe. Anyone I know who drinks soda, drinks an excessive amount. Splenda is most commonly used. the FDA tell us it is safe and healthy, just like they told us sacarin was followed by asperatame. Problem is they make these statements when the product is still new and the affects of long term use hasn't been determined. The makers of Splenda are currently being sued by the Sugar Assc for making that statement that Splenda is made from sugar. It is not,  the Splenda molecule is comprised of sucrose (sugar) — except that three of the hydroxyl groups in the molecule have been replaced by three chlorine atoms. Chlorine!! Splenda was stumbled upon in 1976 by British scientists who were seeking a new pesticide. How appetizing.

    The reason Splenda has no calories is because once it reaches our gut, our body does not recognise it as a food substance. Does any of this make it sound like something we should drink large quantities of?

    When they start using stevia or erythritol I'll change my opinion of diet soda

  3. A regular can of Coke has 5 teaspoons of suger in every can. This rots your teeth.

    In a diet soda all that sugar is replaced with chemicals that taste sweet but  may have side effects (cancer?).

    You are best advised to stick to spring water.

  4. They contain aspartame-which turns into formaldehyde in your body!!!!!!

  5. because it has the fake sugars in it and those aren't healthy for our bodies

  6. Long run effects- diet sweeteners  are suspected to cause cancer. There haven't been any completely conclusive studies, but why risk it

    Short run effects- artificial sweeteners can actually exacerbate diabetes if consumed in large amounts. They trick your body into producing insulin because they are sweet and our bodies are conditioned to produce insulin when we eat sweet food. This causes a spike than a crash, very similar to that caused by excessive sugar intakes. You're hungry soon after, you crave sugar, and a vicious circle starts.

    If you're diabetic or extremely obese person who is trying to wean himself/herself off soda, a single can of diet soda once a month isn't going to kill you and it won't mess up your sugar metabolism the same way a regular soda would. However, very few people can limit themselves to a single can once a month.

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