
How is electricity generated from wind ?

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How is electricity generated from wind ?




  1. From Wind Turbines.The turbines are coupled with the Electrical generator.

    The Energy conversion:

    From Wind Energy------------> Mechanical Energy (By turbine blades rotation when wind hits the blades)

    From Mechanical Energy ------------> Electrical Energy (By coupling Turbines with Electrical Generator)

  2. Same as any other generation system (except for the most exotic ones, which are not used by utilities): by mechanically turning a generator.

    A generator is essentially an electric motor in reverse: instead of giving it electricity and getting motion out of it, you make it turn and it gives electricity. Making a generator turn can be done many different way: a gas turbine (like an aircraft engine), a diesel, a water turbine (water from a river), and windmill, among others.

  3. Get a bunch of ignorant politicians together, then have them decide to waste tax dollars to heavily subsidize the construction of inefficient wind turbines in the middle of nowhere (without tax subsidies they wouldn't be built).Then, of course, the parallel path is to halt or delay construction of reliable power generating plants thereby creating rolling blackouts coupled with exorbitant utility rates.

  4. Wind turns a turbine with a coil of wire inside a permanent magnet this movement of the coil near the magnet creates an electrical current.

  5. Well if you know how an electric fan works, it is just the opposite. With a fan, an electric current flows through coils of copper wire. This flow causes a magnetic field to form. That magnetic field pushes or pulls on the internal normally permanent magnets of the motor.

    Now, when wind blows over a "fan" coupled to a generator (basically a motor) it causes the internal magnets to move over the coils of copper wire. When a magnetic field changes near a coil, it causes an electric current to flow. And there you go, you have electricity. Try it actually, take one of those small electric fans, put the wires which are meant for the battery on a small light and then blow on the fan. Look closely, the light will start to shine.

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