
How is europe different from america?

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like how are the people different,and peoples ways of doing things?




  1. Besides traveling on the opposite side of the road?  Their system of driving is a bit different.  They have what is called a roundabout.  Instead of stopping to exit onto another road you just ride around a circle till you get to the road you need.  I like it.  You also have many more places to walk as opposed to driving in the city.  Some places charge fees *like London* if you want to drive there.  It is a congestion charge.  So my advice is take the tube.  Once you see what everyone else is doing it is pretty simple.  Be prepared to queue up for EVERYTHING though!  They really are nice people though and I think you would have a great time.

  2. I guess when you say america you mean the United States, right? But what do you mean by Europe? There is one continent called Europe, yes. There is a political approach of various countries in the European Union. However, there are still 46 different countries with different people and 41 different official languages spoken. So how to tell differences between approx. 305 million Americans to 680 million inhabitants of european countries?  

  3. Not all countries drive on the opposite side of the road.

    As for the rest.  People travel frequently, speak multiple languages, text while driving, etc.  The open borders and united currency of the EU make it easier to travel/do business to and from.  

    Old and new architecture are integrated.  I've seen 16th century palazzo's with modern interiors.  Not something you see in North America.  Cities are safer, people stay out later.  More public parks and other spaces for citizens.  Tendency towards shopping at markets, hardly any chain stores.  Travel via train or air is more common, because it is cheaper.  In cities, lots of people use mopeds, but public transport is much more popular.  

    Cities are cleaner, and better preserved.  There are lots of caffe's and bakeries/pastry shops, which are more common for breakfast than they are here.  

    Men will wear pink, it's not seen as weird.  Also some men use 'murses' (Male pURSES)  which is also pretty common.  

    People are generally more stylish, and more polite/formal to each other.  

    Lots of old traditions/festivals are alive and well today.

    Really though, the only way to truly know and understand it is to go and experience it.  Book your trip ASAP.

  4. People in different parts of Europe are just as different from each other as they are us. The major differences I found were not so much geographical but political and religious. This is true world wide. I noticed while in Germany that Middle Easterners are not trusted, I noticed while in the Middle East that many people did appreciate American but did not respect us or place value on women, Christians or Jews. India, Korea and parts of China did not hold women in high regard at all and places in Korea placed little value on children while other places in Korea loved and treated their children very well.  

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