
How is everyone so sure that Obama won't go through with what he says & is a liar?

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Do you know him personally?




  1. Honestly as someone who is voting for McCain, I really do not like the fact that Obama is far too general and rhetorical in his speeches.  I also dont like his senate voting record and the enormous amount of votes he sat out; specifically the hot topic ones.  Its as if he has been preparing for this the entire time.

    Whether or not you like McCain personally, I really feel like he means what he says and says what he means.

  2. All we have is his record... so yes, I am sure.

  3. No not so much about him, how much change he can change?

  4. No, I only met him once at a rally...I trust Obama more than McCain. I take it you're on the phone with John McCain right now, since you know him personally?

  5. I don't know that he will, or he won't. I don't think he's been very effective as a Senator though. I'm not super crazy about either candidate, but my ideals are more with McCain the Obama.  

  6. dont know bout obama but i just watched mccaine on tv and he is using a pretty lady to blind the american men!!! doesnt that prove he is painting the wromg picture???

  7. I'm afraid he IS telling the truth.  I think the government already has too much control of our lives.  I don't want it to become even more of a socialist state!

  8. Same can be said about McCain.

  9. Do you know McCain personally? Who's to say anyone is a liar?

  10. The same way those that support McCain are so sure.  And we all know he lies...or conveniently forgets.

  11. Proof is in the pudding. Put the links to what you have on your question. Obama is a flip flopper..He tells you what he thinks his audience wants to hear.

  12. Ummm.... because he claims he never heard any racist talk in Rev. Wright's church in the 20 years he went there?


  13. When someone says one thing then votes the opposite repeatedly you start to loose faith in their honesty. Listen to his speeches then look at his voting record. He is a liar. There's no grey area there.  

  14. Yes on both counts, see anybody can lie and you won't know the difference.

  15. That's why I don't like Obama he may very well do all that he says. If Obama does accomplish even half what he's promised then America will slide into another Great Depression.

  16. I agree. He's clearly a muslim double agent who wants to get elected so he can fly air force one into a shopping mall on the eve of Jesus' birthday.

    I'm an uneducated Republican moron, I have a radar for these things. Just kidding.

  17. Yes, I do. And he will not follow through with what he says.  

  18. Do YOU?

  19. For me after listening to him...and I like just isn't's to much..if it were just his government, then sure...but he has to work with all of the government...great ideas are one thing...but just because they are good ideas doesn't mean they are going to happen...especially not in four years time.  He needed to tone down all of his promisises...he came across a tad to "pollyanna" for I said...he is a great guy...and Im sure a great leader...but he needs to play in the arena of reality.

  20. ??

    He's pretty honest, he said he wants Socialism and he said he is a racist and went to a racist church.

  21. Exactly. Obama just popped up out of nowhere.

    Vote McCain/Palin.

  22. Are you kidding?  You can tell that a politician is lying if his lips are moving!

    Sat in Wright's church for 20 years, but didn't hear him say bad things about America?

    Wants change but picks the oldest bureaucrat in the senate for his VP!

    Give me a break!

  23. Because, they're so used to the government letting them down.

  24. Where is all the programs he has promised going to come from if he doesn't raise taxes?  Taxing only the rich.  No, he will be causing businesses to close down.  More people unemployed means less people paying in taxes.  He can't do it.  Isn't possible.  Or will he get the money from his terrorist friends?  No, they don't like us.

  25. No one does what they say their going to do once elected

  26. we're not totally sure.........but i guarantee you if he ***** up we'll be the first ones on his ***.

  27. He said he would legalize marijuana he better do that

  28. Quote by Obama:

    "I will only take public financing for my campaign."

    A couple of months after that: "I will not participate in public financing for my campaign."

    Sounds like a lie to me.

  29. haha. They just need to vent.

  30. The only people who are sure of this are Republican's. The rest of us are sick of this kind of politics!

  31. We don't know...but the difference is that Obama hasn't done things previously that contradict his views.  McCain has.  He voted against veteran rights on many occasions.  He voted 90% of the time with Bush and is now pretending like he's a maverick and going against the grain.  His history and the party's history give no indication that things will be any different and just because he is stealing Obama's slogans of change, unity, and hope doesn't mean we will believe it.

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