
How is extacy?

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how does it make you feel?




  1. I think pablo fransisco said it best.

    Imagine having an o****m every 3 seconds, for 6 hours.

    There you go.

    Be responsible though, know what your buying and only do it once or twice a month.

  2. ok, I think you need to know the basics of the drug first.  Actual ecstacy is made from the drug MDMA.  It was used in the 70's as treatment for (I think) some mental illnesses during therapy.  I think it was also used for some cancer patients.  The problem with the drug is that you NEVER EVER know what you are going to get.  The rolls that you find nowadays (most of the time) arent pure.  They have a little coke, lil heroin and a lil MDMA.  Some are even dipped in acid.  So, as great as they make you feel, the next high could be TOTALLY different.  That is why they are dangerous.  Another factor that you have to take into consideration is that you can have a good roll, or a bad roll.  If you have any anxiety, are upset, or are distraught, DO NOT TAKE THEM.  You can have whats called a "rage roll".  Which is exactly the opposite effect.  It makes you severly angry, and...  its just awful.  I hope Ive helped.  Make sure to surround yourself with friends and keep it all happy.

  3. the cons out way the good, be smart and say no to drugs !

    have a nice green tea and climb a mountain, the feeling you get from that is way better then any drug you can by and it is great for your body


  4. Your feelings are too large for you too handle. It's highly addictive because it feels like your on cloud 9! Puts you in a trance, music sounds incredible...but you must know how that you are ON IT and you need to control it, otherwise it you may get a little to into it....that doesn't fall well....

    E is a mood enhancer. Increases the seratonin in your brain, which makes you feel happy! Don't abuse it, seratonin has a hard time replenishing itself. From there you start to get the opposite affects, such as paranoia, depression, and anxiety....

  5. Extacy is the **** I mean it can burn wholes in your brain but you have to do it to feel its great power... your just so into music and the way it makes you feel and the feeling of things... if you find something soft you might start rubbing it and be hooked me and my friends had some good times on some McDonald Acres triple stacks and also the ones with Doves had me rolling hard

  6. I took E every day for 2 years, & it messed me up bad, I had a complete mental breakdown. When I first started doing it it was awesome. I loved it so much I got hooked. It is a mood enhancer, it increases the seratonin in your brain, which makes you feel happy, euphoric, peaceful, & loving. If you abuse it like I did though, the seratonin has a hard time replenishing itself, & you get the opposite affects, paranoia, depression, anxiety. So if you do decide to try it, only do it occasionally, like on the weekends, & you only need 1 tablet the 1st time. I still do it, but only 3 times a week, & my buzz is wicked again, like it used to be.

  7. Bad is the outcome of it feeling good or bad...

  8. It make you feel like you have no worries Everything around you is Like whatever, But hopefully if you try it you can survive it It Also kills.

  9. like in heaven but if you use it you will fell like in h**l

  10. Thats not a good thing to use, just have s*x

  11. you gotta try it to feel that

  12. Ecstasy is a killer...

  13. Extacy is when ur emotions are too big to handle!

    in a positive sense of course!

  14. I wouldn't reccomend it as it is illegal.

    But aparently it makes you feel happy, and sociable.

    Hope I helped :)

  15. u spelled it wrong. and its amazing. like your flying.

  16. first off, its eCstacy.

    second, it makes you feel amazing. you get happier than you have ever been and you love everyone and everything. you like to have deep conversations and lights look amazing.

    contrary to popular belief, ecstacy is not as horrible and people are made to believe. how about you look up some information online, check out how many deaths there has been by ecstacy compared to other drugs.

  17. Why dont you try it and find out..!!
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