
How is farming life hard?

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How is farming life hard?




  1. its not, people just don't know how anymore

  2. Che, I beg to differ. Even the most skilled farmer (then and now) has to deal w/different soil types, drought, too much rain, high winds bugs etc....then comes in things like grain prices that can affect his whole budget for the next year. If he raises livestock there can be sickness, predators, and again drops in prices. It's very much a gamble to have your whole livelihood in the hands of nature.

  3. Nothing is given to you in farming.  It doesn't matter if you are a 10,000 acre farmer or just a gardener, it's extremely hard work.  Most people think driving a tractor is farming.  Its one of the easiest parts.  The countless hours of maintaining equipment, property, landlord relationships and your finances is enough to make you pull your own hair out sometimes.  I can't tell you the 0 degree days with the wind blowing I've had to fix equipment in.  Or the 100 degree days bailing straw.  None of its done fast and none of its done easily.  The paperwork for financing, chemicals, seed and taxes is extremely overwhelming.  What else makes it hard is the fact that less than 1% of the population is actually involved in it.  More people who don't know anything about it, making comments with their mouths full.  Go to and post this question there,  i betcha you get 500 good answers for every one here.

  4. I think the answer to this question depends on how you define the word "hard". I am a small organic farm owner. I work every day, mostly pretty steady. I milk morning and night, but I don't have more cows and goats than I can milk easily. I work with my crops every day, weeding, seeding, tilling, turning compost. I clean up the dairy everyday, make cheese every other day. I harvest vegatables, fruit, run a produce stand, manage irrigation, move livestock from pasture to pasture and so on and so forth. All that being said.....Thing is: I love what I do, so I can't say it's "hard" not really. And since I've been doing it a long time... I know what I am doing... things usually go well.

    What would be really hard for me is being cooped up in an office, wearing high heels and worring about my nails, and how I looked, now that WOULD be hard.

    However I have observed that some "farmers" have a tendency to overextend themselves, both in terms of finance and personal energy. How often I have watched a farmer struggle under the burden that comes with the idea that  "bigger will be better". The trick to living a comfortable farming life style is to not take on more than you can reasonably handle.

    Again, the answer to this question is: that farming is hard for some and relatively easy for others, depending on how much one takes on, and the experience and degree of skill a person has in dealing with the work one needs to accomplish in order to run the type of farm opperation one has.

  5. It is hard because there is not much land in America and it is getting more expensive and more and more people are selling to develepment builders (blahk!)

    Also you're sort of at the mercy of weather....

    You work harder than you probably ever have and then don't get a lot of money....

    But the world needs more farmers even though it so hard! long live the famers God bless em!

  6. it requires alot of work and dedication.  My family never took a vacation when I was a kid b/c we had a dairy farm, and we had to milk 2 times per day.  It is hard to find reliable help too.

  7. If I may, I'll borrow a line from the Peace Corps, Farming is the hardest life that you will ever love. The work is long and hard, with very little time off. Farming is a gamble with your finances. Sometimes you will win and have a good year, and sometimes you will lose and not make back the money you put into it. You will often be short of cash and often in pretty big debt. But if you ask 100 farmers, 99 of them would never want to do anything else.

  8. It's hard because traditional farms are being forced out of business by industrialized intensive farming companies. Giant Agri-business companies monopolise the market and out compete family farms. They can afford to sell products at cheaper prices due to the massive volumes they sell. They have the financial advantage of scientific research and genetic modification. These giant agri-business companies force animals into horrid conditions all in the name of increased productivity, lower sale prices and an increased bottom line. All they care about is profit and elliminating healthy financial competition and they continue out compete and destroy local business. This in addition to bad seasons, natural disasters, and drought (especially here in Australia) take their toll on farmers.

  9. It depends on the season...some seasons are better then others.

    And when you're in a bad one, things tend to go from bad to worse. Bills go unpaid, debt begins to build up, the pressure put on you is incredibily enormous. So in the bad seasons, farming life is hard, both physically and mentally.

    When you've got a good season, it's not as've just got to be sure that you are prepared with eveything suddenly starts turning bad.

    So Farming life can be pretty hard, it just depends on the season and depends on the person.

  10. WElll... lol you can come stay down where i live and man we will teach you lol . You can change the sprinkler pipes everyday. Go feed the sheep. Grow all the alfalfa for them to eat. Herd the sheep. Dock sheep. Brand. It's alot of work let me tell ya.

  11. farming is hard because you have no control over what you charge. people are often dealing with financial issues, and they deal with weather problems. farming is always a gamble. people throw their life saving and more into the business and hope for the best!!! (whoever said that people don't know how to farm anymore is lucky I don't kick em in the teeth!!!!!) The work is hard and there are long hours ALWAYS!!

  12. Farming life is hard because it requires you to do a more bit of hard work and have to be patience.Also it requires more time to spend with.

  13. C'mon over, you can clean calf pens & sling some bales.

    Then there's the fence to mend, but you have to cut up the tree that fell on it first.  When you are done with that the cows need to be grained & milked.  Don't forget to sanitize the untensils when you are done.

  14. No, it is not. If you don't have to exhaust yourself, physically and financially.

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