
How is fat decomposed in your body?

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just wondering. people always "lose fat" in their diets ( okay lets just say that ) but how exactly do you LOSE it? if matter cannot be created or destroyed?

is the fat lost through the pores when you sweat?

is it flushed out through your waste?

can someone please explain this to me?

i think it'd help alot if i understood this and more people understood it so they could be more knowledgeable about losing fat. thank you.




  1. the body stores fat in cells called adipose tissues,when too much carbs enter the system(or even too much fat by itself,especially bad fats which the body cant identify)its absorbed by the intestines into the blood stream and gradually send to these adipose tissues under the skin where at most times new fat cells are created. When you start eating healthier and doing cardio and toning exercises in moderation,the contents of these cells are pulled out and oxidated into carbon dioxide,water and energy by your muscles. The water and carbon dioxide will eventually leave your body through respiration and urination...sweat is also water,but its from the lymphatic system that does release some sodium as well,the body ceates sweat to stabilize its temperature,nothing else!

  2. Greetings it is well publicised that fad diets are 95% certain to fail. I advise you to you go on down to its a superb site with lots of free help and support. I lost 9 pounds in six weeks by following their tips  

  3. When u on a diet and u eat less calories than u need daily the extra source of energy comes from the fat stored in ur body. Thats how u lose fat. The fat in ur body reacts with oxygen and then breaks down into ATP(fuel units) for ur body, that's why aerobic exercise burns fat. If there is no oxygen involved (anaerobic exercise) u wont burn fat cause there wont be oxygen to react with the fat in ur body

  4. When losing weight, the body will take the stored fat and digest it. By doing this they get all the goodness from te fat, into the body. Fat is like a storage system of proteins, sugars etc for the body. It will go this storage system when there is not enough being eaten.  

  5. The fat cells in your body shrink, the human body is a "chemical factory", it is incredibly complex and it's tough to simplify such processes with simple analogies. Ask a Doctor and you'll know what I mean.  

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