
How is gambling not a manipulation of theft?

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How is gambling not a manipulation of theft?




  1. Hardly theft, as the participants are doing so freely. Not fraud either if the odds are known and there is no subterfuge to upset the stated odds (marked cards, rigged wheels, etc.)

  2. Technically it is.

    However as it's a game of chance you CAN end up winning.

    yes, more often than not you won't hence the whole point of casinos, but if people had any sense they would stay clear of casinos. ever game in there IS designed specifically to fleece you.

    However, I play ALOT of poker. and although poker is still technically gambling, it involves skill, where as roulette for example has no skill whatsoever and is entirely luck.

    With poker, i could NOT look at my cards at all, and i could out play you, or raise it too much so that you had to fold. This is skill and as such you CAN be better at it than people. I win a fair amount on poker and as such, playing it had brought me away from the casinos forever and into profit massively.

    So to sum up, as a gambler, you accept the fact that you know you're probably going to get "robbed" of you're money, however as there always is that chance that you'll end up with a load of money.

    And believe it or not, it's the losing which is the addictive part. The winning is just a bonus.

  3. Because people choose to do it.

  4. Because it's a mutually voluntary act.  Theft involves a conversion of property that both parties don't agree to.  When people win or lose at gambling they are doing so while being informed of the risks.  The benefits of gambling and the reasons for doing it aren't necessarily monetary as many people find it enjoyable and the entertainment value in itself is worth something to them.  Finally, gambling doesn't necessarily involve losing money in the long run as games of skill like poker for instance can have positive monetary expectation depending on how good you are at it.

    King Cobra Poker

  5. Theft, by definition is when a person steals something from another without permission.

    A casino is offering games of chance with a known and publicized house edge.  Any player can go online and figure out the house edge on any game in the house, except maybe slots that have a more variable house edge.

    Players voluntarily wager their money for a chance to win more money.  Some people walk away from casinos as millionaires, like the 58 year old woman who a few weeks ago put $20 in a slot machine at the Palms and won $21,000,000.  Try telling her that gambling is a 'manipulation of theft.'  I think she might laugh in your face.

    So no, gambling a legitimate and enjoyable activity, enjoyed by millions of adults every year in this country.  Over a million people work directly or indirectly in that industry earning a living.

    Now sure some people become hooked on gambling and squander their money.  But that's life.  We live in a free country, and as such there are opportunities for irresponsible people to waste their money.  It is not the job of society to try and legislate to save people from themselves.  They have to be responsible just like anyone else.

  6. u kinda get monie widawt ani effort!!!!

  7. Because people gamble on their own volition.  No one is forced to lay down a bet on anything.

  8. It depends on the type of gaming, Some are games of chance, some take little experience and some are knowledge based.

    It is also a personal choice. If you don't like it Don't do it. Others like it and should have the option.

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