
How is gas prices and groceries affecting your job, and its not a recession!?

by Guest57701  |  earlier

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How is gas prices and groceries affecting your job, and its not a recession!?




  1. I was under the impression you were having a recession in America - from what we hear in Australia your economy really going badly. Of course our food and petrol(gas) are getting far to high as well but haven't got so much of the home foreclosures that you have there.

  2. I am self employed in the transportation industry and have been able to pass the gas price increase on to customers who so far have had no issue with it.  The grocery store prices have not been a big problem for me either - if anything I eat more sensibly and prepare healthier foods.  The work I do is in demand and stable.  Sorry, no doom and gloom here.

  3. If you think gas is expensive where you are, check out how much they are charging in the UK. It is getting to the point where we can't afford to get into work, which is kind of ironic I think.

    It is a recession. And it isn't just affecting America. In England almost every big retail and entertainment company are making cut backs, cutting everyones hours in half.

  4. my family is big as i have 4 children. The price of groceries is really getting to me as i feel no matter how hard i work (i work full time). i cant make ends meet. The trouble is that i work early mornings, get a couple of hours break in the day when i cook my family their dinner, then i am back out to work until late at night. so another job wouldnt fit in there. But at this rate, i will have to find another job, somehow, better paid to be able to afford all these shopping prices going up and up and up. The poorer get poorer and the rich get richer. Does my head in!

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