
How is global warming a result of natural cycles in the Earth's Temperature?

by Guest56638  |  earlier

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How is global warming a result of natural cycles in the Earth's Temperature?




  1. because earth normally has dips and rises in temperatures if u looked at an ice core

  2. uh earth is dieing?

  3. check this out and you'll find out

  4. the answer is in your question ....

  5. Based on analysis of various ice core deturium levels, there have been several temperature cycles during the past 500,000 years.  Based on these cycles, and the same ice core data, the current warming trend started right on schedule about 10,000 years ago.

    Also according to the ice core data, the natural end point of a cyclic warming period is at a temperare 3-4 degrees above current global temperatures.  This is also the most likely scenario reported by the IPCC.  

    It all sounds pretty natural to me.

  6. In the winter, it is cold.  It starts to heat up in the spring, but it really reaches the max temps in summer.  Don't worry though, because it will start to cool of again in the fall, and then it goes back to the very cold winter again.  It's just life.

  7. It's not.

    We're [naturally] supposed to be going into another ice age, but look whats happening

  8. This cycle is NOT natural. From the National Academy of Science...

  9. There is a really interesting and scientifically supported theory that we should be in a cooling phase as far as the natural cycle goes.  There is strong evidence that the more elliptical the earth's orbit, the cooler it gets and the more circular the warmer it gets.  It's in a relatively elliptical orbit now.

  10. the source of all heat on the Earth, the Sun, ultimatly regulates our temperature. A phenomenom called sunspots happen in 11 year cycles in which they affect the amount of heat reaching the earth. this is the cause of earth's fluctuations in temperatures, not SUV's

  11. please check out "The Great Global Warming Swindle" by the BBC. Great info.

  12. Global warming and cooling goes in cycles.  However, the current increase in temperature is due to human caused destruction of the ozone layer (O3) due to the use of flurocarbons that release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere which attaches to ozone and destroying it.  The ozone protects the Earth by holding/releasing the proper amount of heat that is reflected after hitting the surface of the Earth.

  13. the earth goes through heating and cooling stages (i.e. the ice age) the problem with global warming is that were making it worse than it should be

  14. Scientists have evidence of a few things that caused climate changes in the past well before humans.

    1. Milankovich Cycles - These are natural cycles that our sun goes through. There are two forces at wrok in every star that give it it's size and shape, nuclear fusion, and gravity. The fission is trying to expand the star and gravity is trying to pull it back in. As they compete the star actually increases and decreses in size very slightly. When the star gets slightly bigger the Earth will recieve more energy. When it shrinks it will recieve less. There is evidence that these cycles may start ice ages.

    2. Volcanic activity- ash in the upper atmosphere can reflect light back into space before it reaches the earth. This will cause cooling.

    3. Impact events - meteors have the same effect if they are large enough to toss debris into the upper atmosphere

    4. Atmospheric composition- This one I'm sure you've heard about. Certain gasses retain more heat and cause a warming effect.

  15. the term 'global warming' is used to implicate industrial and human causes based on life styles. Scientists are NOT referring to natural cycles when they use the term 'global warming'.

  16. its not. its our fault

  17. No, but note that people probably thought that the hole in the ozone layer was natural, but when they stopped using CFC's, it started to repiar it's self.

  18. The Earth naturally has warming periods but if you look at the average surface temperatures from the time of the industrial revolution and compare that to the past million years, you'll see that the earth is a lot warmer than it has been.  Also, global warming could actually put some or all of the earth into the next ice age because the melting ice from the polar ice caps will cool the ocean's temp and that is what determines an area's climate.

  19. The Earth can't/won't last forever.  There is no such thing as global warming.  The Earth will continue to go through "aging" phases b/c it will one day come to an end.

  20. Its not a natural cycle.

    Mankind has scarred, raped and pillaged this planet.


    Because mankind likes to attempt to have mother nature within their control.

  21. in a way.

    it is but it wasnt supposed to even start happening for another hundred or thousand years.

    we sped up the process.. a lot..

    cars/electricity etc.

  22. There are NO natural cycles produced by the earth that affect the global mean temperatures.

    The ONLY thing that drives Earth's temperature, is of course, the Sun. It is the energy source without which we, and every living thing on it would not exist. Specifically, violent and unpredictable conditions known as Sun spots cause rises in global mean temperatures.

    At current conditions, we are exacerbating the next activity of solar activity by pouring gases ("Greenhouse gases" - carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2), and water vapor.) that prevent the heat from being radiated out into space. They trap heat, and could make a bad situation worse. There is also the fear that once it reaches a certain ratio in the atmosphere, it will cause a chain reaction that will be catastrophic to man. Life on earth will probably survive, but it will be what palaeontologists call an "Extinction Level Event" - of which we have had many in Earth's history.

    To explain a chain reaction, you would have to imagine rises in the mean temperature that may seem tiny (Just a degree), but will have devastating effects on the permanent icecaps that surround the poles, leading to severe rises in sea level and flooding in coastal areas. Melting ice that hold billions of tons of CH4 (In the permafrosts of Siberia), and CO2 will add to the man-made greenhouse gases that already exacerbate the global mean temperatures, and we may find that it would not matter what we did to reduce man-made emissions, because it will be too late to reverse the chain reaction.

    There are signs that it is already happening in the Polar regions. Only those who have a vested interest in fossil fuels/economy have argued that "the data is inconclusive". The data is conclusive. 99.9% of climate scientists agree that Man affects nature. We are part of the cycle that causes global warming, and greenhouse gases are dangerous and real. Don't believe me? Go to your garage, close all the doors, and turn your car engine on. If you're not dead in an hour, you can come back and tell us all that we're wrong. One less stubborn fool will be better for the environment. :)

    PS: The science of the effects of greenhouse gases is well proven. There is no "swindle" - ignorant people have misunderstood the discussion on whether levels of CO2 ratio is a result of global temperature rise or the driver of the global temperature rise, and decided that it was "misrepresentation". There is NO doubt that greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere which lead to rises in the global mean temperatures.

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