
How is global warming hurting our environment and what is it doing?

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i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!1




  1. global warming a disaster on its way...

    it is proved that the temperatures were continuously increasing day by day.

    then one day we people will Be in a condition to destroy the buildings for the sack of planting new trees...but they wont help at that time...

    then regarding the waters, the drinking water will be available in scarce which means we will have pay lot of money for water as if now paying for the gasoline...

    but one thing we are truly cause for the happenings and only we can save the planet...

    save you and me and our people..

    all the best...

  2. oh, good gosh.  so, did you buy the lie too?

    you do realize that we are coming out of an ice age, and the earth is warming naturally, right?  you do realize, that the earth has been cooling and warming for millions of years, right?

    you do realize that in many times in the past, there has been much higher carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to volcanic activity, right?

    ps - al gore is a liar.  

    17,000 verified scientists have signed a petition to end this global warming nonesense.

    do some research, seriously.....  don't be a sheeple

  3. Small increments in temperature globally mean that we get less cloud cover. We get as much or more total rainfall, it is just that the clouds form and precipitate over a shorter period when temperatures are higher.

    The formation of a rain storm when there is a lot of water vapour is a result. When we get fewer storms forming but more water vapour under our cloudless sky, we get big downpours, a lot of wind, flooding. But nearby we can have drought, caused by that same cloudless sky.

    The cloudless sky means we have faster drying of lands.

    But cloudless skies have a big longer term effect.

    The oceans of the earth warm up. This takes hundreds of years, but that warming of the seas is needed to sustain evaporation needed to produce a major ice age.

    We have had many previous ice ages and warming periods. There appears to be a lot of CO2 involved in those warming periods too, even though it is clear that in those cases it was not caused buy human activity. However, the need to get the oceans warmed up appears to be a common theme.

    To move a mountain of ocean into glaciers takes a lot of evaporation of the oceans.

  4. increasing the detrimental insect population.

    we're also having water rationing because of drought.

  5. Expected impacts of global warming – would certainly be very harmful and dangerous:

    A large body of scientific studies, exhaustively reviewed, has produced a long list of possibilities of impacts of global warming. Nobody can say that any of the items on the list are certain to happen. But most of the climate experts agree that the impacts listed below are more likely to happen. The exact timings, for them, are difficult to predict, but they are in the opinion that, if humanity manages to begin restraining its emissions within the next few decades, so that greenhouse gases do not rise beyond twice the pre-industrial level (we are already 35% above it and rising each year, at an accelerating rate) the consequences would certainly be very dangerous - probably including a radical reorganization and impoverishment of many of the ecosystems that sustain our civilization. Expected impacts are:

    (1) Most places will continue to get warmer, especially at night and in winter. The temperature change will benefit some regions, at least for a time, while harming others like, patterns of tourism will shift. The warmer winters will benefit health in some areas, but globally, mortality will rise due to summer heat waves and other effects.

    (2) Sea levels will continue to rise for many centuries. The last time the planet was 3°C warmer than now, the sea level was roughly 5 meters higher. That submerged coastlines where many millions of people now live. Also, storm surges will cause emergencies.

    (3) Weather patterns will keep changing, probably toward an intensified water cycle with stronger floods and droughts. Most regions that are now subject to droughts are expected to get drier (because of warming as well as less precipitation), and most wet regions will get wetter. Changes in extreme weather events are hard to predict, but in some regions storms with more intense rainfall are liable to bring worse floods. Mountain glaciers and winter snowcap will shrink, jeopardizing many water supply systems. Each of these changes has already begun to happen in some regions.

    (4) Ecosystems will be stressed, although some managed agricultural and forestry systems will benefit, at least in the early decades of warming. Uncounted valuable species, especially in the Arctic, mountain areas, and tropical seas, must shift their ranges. Many that cannot will face extinction. A variety of pests and tropical diseases are expected to spread to warmed regions. Each of these problems has already been observed in numerous places.

    (5) Increased carbon dioxide levels will affect biological systems independent of climate change. Some crops will be fertilized, as will some invasive weeds (the balance of benefit vs. harm is uncertain). The oceans will continue to become markedly more acidic, gravely endangering coral reefs, and probably harming fisheries and other marine life.

    (6) There will be significant unforeseen impacts. Most of these will probably be harmful, since human and natural systems are well adapted to the present climate.

    For further information please refer


  6. Global warming is a great threat to our planet.It is causing harm to a lot of animals plants and other organisms.Even i am trying to information about globalwarming .If any will come to know the latest information please mail id is

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