
How is high gas prices affecting you and what are you doing about it?

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I say we boycott Exxon mobile.




  1. gas is 3.89

    deisel is nearly 5 bucks a gallon!

    i think that would work, but there is no way to get everyone to participate in it. as soon as you show me  participants, you got my vote

  2. Well, my parents made me downgrade from driving my Range Rover, to start driving my BMW more.

    My parents pay for my gas.

  3. I sold car.

    Beleive people are passive and deserve to be fleeced therefore

    All theyd have to do is not buy gas for 2,3 days nationwider (NOBODY buy any) and prices would tumble and business people would be quite alarmed by our behavior (yes!).

    But sheep wont do it. Sheep go blaaaah!  That's all sheep do!

  4. i would love to boycott. it is just impossible because gasoline is pretty much a necessity now. getting to work and other places is pretty much impossible without driving. i mean its really affecting me because im in school and i only have a part time job so i dont have much money to pay for the gas, but i mean it would be harder if i did not have a job.

    ugh, the most important things in life cost too much.

  5. It doesn't affect me at all because i can afford driving my SUV even though it gets 8 mpg.  I can't wait for gas prices to hit $10/gal soon.  In the past, driving a car was considered to be a privilege reserved for the wealthy & it should be that way.  If you can't afford it, then take the bus or walk.  Thank god for OPEC and their high oil prices!

  6. I ran out of gas today. Not only can we not really afford gas...we can't afford food. The only way to really boycott is to ride bicycles...I don't see too many people doing that. It is kinda hard to do so, especially for boyfriend works like 30 miles away. A closer job? That's hilarious! We live in a small town..and the only jobs here really are fast food...that can't support us!! Depressed...? NAH. We could carpool somehow....I think we should do SOMETHING. I'm willing to work my butt off to get something started....too bad noone else gives a d**n.

  7. I drive less. Only go out when absolutely necessary. I hate that cause I hate staying home especially on the weekends. Gas price is ridiculous. Everyone don't buy gas for a week and then watch the prices drop like crazy.

  8. Boycott Exxon Mobil?  That sounds like a foolish Liberal Idea that won't yield the reduction of a single penny in fuel costs.

    Exxon isn't the problem, we are. You. Me. And every American who uses a gasoline powered vehicle for transportation. We consume 20/million barrels per day of 85/million barrels produced in a day around the globe. Now China and India are moving from Bicycles to Automobiles which need fuel from oil. As such, they have become buyers of oil, thus adding to the demand. And as demand increases and supply remains flat, prices will increase accordingly.

    So get off the idea that Exxon is behind your pain. When in reality, you are the source of the problem. The sooner you switch to a bicycle or public transportation, the sooner demand will decline and prices will drop.

    To all those who are having problems getting to work, I suggest you move closer to work. As fuel prices rise, its time to consider a lifestyle change. No longer will you be able to live in the burbs or country and commute to work 30, 40, 50 miles away..  In the 21st century, you'll have to relocate to the city.

  9. I would love to see us start boycotting these companies! As for what we are doing to cope with these prices-well I consolidate any errands I have to do to one day a week, then plan my stops in shortest order.  We stay home, no weekend trips. I buy through the internet and take advantage of free shipping as much as I can. My husband is a contractor so he has had to add a fuel charge to customers. The only positive thing about this may be that traffic is much lighter, it will force people to drive higher gas mileage cars, and people are taking our oil dependence seriously. It's just a shame we were just hit with this so quickly and our government wasn't working towards alternative fuel goals so many years ago. The public is being taken to the cleaners because what is happening is affecting everything we buy!

  10. yea... gas prices are stupid.

  11. Exxon does not designate the price of gas. investors do.

    I have cut my consumption dramatically by only working locally....the best way to lower the price is to follow suit

  12. exxon has the highest prices here (w.v.).

  13. i hate them ist stupid and dumb i hate it ther being f**s

  14. It has been causing us not be able to go visit family in other states as much.

    I have been riding my bicycle to university (10 mile round trip)

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