
How is important archeology to human society?

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  1. Well, archeology is important. At least to some people. Now, if archeology wasn't around how would we know about how things went down way back long ago, y'know? Things would be so much different today if we didn't have it. Like, we would never know that our calendar came from the early Mayans calendar. The world would never know that Dinosaurs existed on the face of the earth. We'd never know that around the Stonehenge was a burial ground and holds alot of skeletons. Personally, I don't care to much about archeology myself but its just how you look at it really. Now, in my opinion the archaeologists go dig up old things and analyze what its made out of, how old it is, who could of possibly used it, and what it might be used for. When the old civilizations died out and the newer ones today came along and somehow they decided they wanted to dig and see what could possibly be in the ground. They find things like old clay pots, old weapons and such. They could come up with new ideas on what newer weapons could be like based off of the old ones. Not necessarily saying that all the weapons came from the older peoples ideas which most of them did or else how do we have a gun now days? So we wouldn't have a basis for guns, we wouldn't have things such as the idea for spears with flint stone, knives the same way. Using farming, animals for food. Though its human nature to kill for food. We might still even be living in caves if it weren't for the discovery that trees could be chopped down and used for housing. Though its human nature to have shelter and the feeling of safe, but it wouldn't be so evovled for today. Everything would be a great big delay and would evolve into something else very slowly. Humans wouldn't be so lazy though. Yeah, so there you go theres my theory on it all. no sources for that.

  2. Because it is the study of the culture from human remains it is very important.  This was something taken from my class I took on Archaeology. Sorry the link is not available.

    We archaeologists study past people and cultures for a variety of reasons.  Like other anthropologists, we feel that every society and culture has intrinsic merit.  Each one can teach us something.  We believe that we can gain valuable insights into our humanity.  We can even learn useful lessons for improving our own chances of survival, from looking at the various ways people have devised for living in this world.  We can also identify mistakes that others have made and try to avoid them.  Just as studying the earth, its life forms, and even space is critical to our viability as a species, so too is knowing the past.  You have probably heard the caveat offered by the philosopher-poet George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  It is not just a cliché.  Many societies have already perished in part because they did not learn the lessons of the past.  One of our goals as archaeologists is to try to help make sure that we and our neighbors today do not join them.

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