
How is independence day celebrated in mexico today?

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How is independence day celebrated in mexico today?




  1. Typically with a party on the night of the 15th.  Right at midnight people like to burn fireworks or shoot guns, or in general make tons of noise.

    The President host a party in the Main Square (Plaza or Zocalo) in Mexico City.  Many large cities do the same hosted by the Governor or City mayor.  The Plaza will have a carnival typically, with games, food, music, etc.  All this goes on the afternoon, night of the 15th.  Many of the large cities will have an organized set of Fireworks.  Then at midnight the President in Mexico City and the other officials in their own towns, go out in their main buildings and do a performance that "duplicates" the original call to fight against the Spanish.  In other words they re-enact the start of the war of Independence. The main theme is the "chant": Viva Mexico or long live Mexico.  They say also: Viva Miguel Hidalgo (which is the equivalent of George Washigton), Viva Morelos, etc.

    Some people in Mexico City got to the Statue of the Angel of Independence and drink and party there.  The Angel is in a busy street close to downtown, so the police close the street around the area and keep a close eye on that informal party.

    On the 16th people basically relax.  Go to parks and the party goers of the night before nurture their hangover.

  2. it's celebrated mostly on the night of the 15th.  parties and such.  the 16th there may be family gatherings at the ranch, eating tacos and meat from the grill...very much like the 4th of july.  it is true that some people shoot guns in the air....but people do know that's dangerous and you aren't supposed to do it.  and today, monday, all government offices, banks, etc.. are closed.

  3. we stole an americans social security and wave their flags on our soil ? LOL

  4. Locals have music, food, dancing, us old gringos are invited but its hard to stay up until midnight when the cry of El Grito sounds off. Kids come around and tell me about the party.

  5. Mexico's Independence Day is September 16th. In Mexico people like to Celebrate things early so the big celebration is the night of Sept. 15th. We drink alot. We eat alot. We dance poorly and sing out of tune. There is quiet a bit of irresponsible use of fire arms and of illegal fireworks.

    At 11:00 at night, in the main square in Mexico City the president  comes out onto a balcony of the National Palace gives the " Cry of Independence" in memory of the Cry that the priest, Miguel de Hidalgo gave in 1810, when the Mexican fight for independence began. He says "Viva Hidalgo" ( long live Hidalgo) , "Viva Morelos"...and several more VIVAS each time mentioning the name of a hero of the independence and each time the people in the plaza (square) respond with the cry , "VIVA!"

    In state capitals the governors do the same thing, in cities and towns the mayor does it, in private parties the host leads the ceremony.

    The actual Independence Day, Sept. 16th. there are parades in Mexico City and the state capitals. On the 16th most Mexicans spend the day nursing hangovers, or try to prevent the onset of a hangover by drinking more. It is important to remember to buy all the booze you plan to consume early on the 15th because in many places after 8:00 at night on the 15th the sale of alcohol is banned until the 17th.  Another way  thing we do to cure our hangovers here in Mexico is to eat lots and lots of greasy food. If you are smart you will figure out exactly how much chile to put in your greasy food to stimulate the brain to release endorphins and make you feel less bad. Also the greasy food provokes the release of seratonin which also makes you feel better. In between eating and not doing much of anything, we sit in front of the TV and watch soccer and drink.

    So that is about the best description I can give you of Independence Day in Mexico.

  6. With a lot of tequila and corona and guns going off in the air too.

  7. PARTIES!!!!!! Lots of drinking, soccer, and fireworks, depending on where you want to go. Thanks for asking!!!!

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