
How is internet in Nepal? is it easy/cheap enough to get broadband there or is it still quite underdevelloped?

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ive read somewhere online that in around 2004 - 98% of internet was dial-up.




  1. I go about every year.  I was last there in March of 2007.  While I was in my friend's office, the cable company came by to sell their internet t.v. package and I got to look at their brochure for internet access.  

    The speeds are pretty embarrassing by developed-country standards.  The fastest package available was around 250kbps, and if I recall correctly, it was about $35/month.  Yes, most people do still seem to use dial-up, which is agonizingly slow.  As to ease of installation, the salespeople were pretty eager, so my impression was that if you've got the money, they'll get you service.

    Outside of Kathmandu, I'm doubtful that anything other than dial-up is available.  The service in places like Pokhara and Nagarkot while ubiquitous, is spotty, unreliable and pathetically slow.  It's useless for any multi-media or downloads.

    Aside from a few places on the well-worn trekking routes (which charge mega$$$), I have not seen satellite internet in Nepal.

  2. i been to nepal 2 yrs back and found that nepal has got everything regarding the internet. they have got wireless, DSL, cable, satellite, dial up everything. but the speed is not much different and the quality is bad. talking about the kathmandu most of the cybers use cable internet and its bloody too slow coz too many computer hooked together and not proper connection, but the government offices and private office got good connections. if you want to get dial-up you just need to call and you will get in a minute. regarding the cost its still expensive coz you will be paying for phone bills too and phone is 2 min = 1 call and if you use internet for 1 hrs you will be charged for 30 calls.

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