
How is ireland's health care system?

by Guest33293  |  earlier

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if the Republic of Ireland is the southern part then what is the north part of ireland called?




  1. doctor visit €40 - €60 a visit plus cost of prescription if needed

    casualty/a&e visit €55 unless you have doctors letter

    night on public ward in hospital €55

    on the plus side you can only be charged for 12 nights per year stay in public ward whether consecutive or not and if you go over a certain amount on prescriptions there is a drug refund scheme in operation, just hold on to the receipt.

  2. Martyboy and Mysterious' answers were good. The health system is poor. If you do consider moving here, you should know that it is never, ever called 'the south' or 'southern' Ireland. It is the Republic of Ireland.

    Edit: The north part is called Northern Ireland. It's part of the UK.

  3. As along as you can afford good heath insurance the health system works great for you

  4. Hello Young Lady,

                                 Irelands Health Care system is so sick it should have been buried years ago, because it's dead you see. it will cost you heavy money no matter what you need to help you with a sickness, or to save your life...

                                  England has a system operating that if you work you pay a small contribution from your income for every week you are in full employment, and it is way cheaper than in Ireland, it is called The National Health and Insurance Scheme. and it works really well, it even pays you money if you are off work through sickness, although, you do lose the first 4 days, but if you are off work for a few weeks and your sickness is authorised by your Doctor, you will get those 4 days paid after a few weeks.. Anything you need to do with your health is free if you fill certain criterior, I am retired after paying into the system all my working life and although I am disabled now, absolutely everything is totally free of all charges...

                                I am of Irish birth, and would just say this to you, if Irelands next government depended on them developing a health and welfare system similar and I mean very very similar to Englands, they would have a government in Ireland run by the same political party forever, and the electorate and all their families would be fit and well forever too, but it would cost them a small charge from their earnings every week, and for those unable to work, there would be help, paid for by the others contributions, but those that pay now wouldn't mind a bit, because they get all the benefits of this National Health service as and when they need it.

                          I am so sorry to soap-box this answer, but felt it was needed to press home this point, I hope this helps you with your query..Good Luck now.....Tony M

  5. Health care in the Republic of Ireland is governed by the Health Act 2004, which established a new body to govern the national health service in the Republic of Ireland, the Health Service Executive. The new health service came into being officially on 1 January 2005; however the new structures are in the process of being established. Ireland offers free healthcare to all citizens, though those who earn below a certain limit are entitled to more free services than others, via a 'medical card' (however, this scheme is being extended, and is hoped to eventually cover the entire population).

  6. You pay, it is not free at the point of service. €50 to see a GP and then more if you need further treatment. So if you are living and/or working in the country you should get health insurance. If visiting as an EU citizen an E111 form should suffice for your treatment. However, unlike the US you will not be left to die in the street, you will always be treated if something serious happens.

  7. Well I was left on a bed in a corrider for nearly 48 hours hooked up on a drip after i ripped my whole hand up and cut all my tendens, nearly lost use of he thing. My opinion its ****** c**p and GP's are a rip off 50 Euro a pop, even if ur poppin in for 1 minute to collect/renew a prescription.

  8. If you cannot afford to pay you can apply for and get a free medical card that covers you for everything including dental and prescriptions and eye ware

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