
How is it best to stop breastfeeding my 1 yr old?

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My son is nearly 1 and i am still b/f him first thing in the morn & last thing at night. He takes his milk from a sippy cup during the day and has been doing since he was 6mths. I feel that now he is coming up to 1 it is about time to stop b/f altogether as I don't want to be feeding a toddler really. I do not want to give him a bottle though as he has never had one and then I would face the problem of weening him from that!!!!!! I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice about the best way to approach it. Thanks.x




  1. Why don't you want to continue nursing?

    Weaning at a year is a social thing and not necessarily the best for the baby.  Just because they can handle it doesn't mean it's best for them.  

    I once heard it compared to pregnancy - what if doctors said "it's easier for the mom if we just take the baby out at 7 months, and he'll probably make it in an incubator for the last two months."  Sure the baby might be ok with today's technology, but why do we just accept that we have to be pregnant for 9 months, but don't accept that it's best to continue breastfeeding into the toddler years?

  2. My daughter self weaned at 14 months, so I guess my biggest suggestion to you is don't rush to wean!  Just because your close to the twelve month mark doesn't mean you have to rush things!  My daughter was still very much a baby at 12 months.  :~)  Take cues from him, he "tell" you when he's ready.  

    When your both ready to wean stock up on nursing bra pads and keep boobies hidden away in a shirt.

  3. I had this same issue.  I think most moms do.  I dropped the night feeding first and had my husband put my daughter to bed.  It was rough for about 3 nights.  She screamed a lot.  But then that stopped.  Once she adjusted to no bedtime feeding, I had my husband get her out of her crib each morning.  She really didn't mind the mornings too much.  After about 3 days of not breastfeeding her, I left town for a week, and when I came back, I think she had forgotten all about it.

  4. Sounds like it may be the mommy time that he will miss more than anything so maybe you could read to him while he is in your lap in morning with a sippy cup and at night with a sippy cup.  

  5. Simple - you have already introduced the sippy cup with him.  Start by giving him the sippy cup in the morning instead of b/f.  Then just b/f at night.  After a few days of doing that, give him the sippy cup instead of b/f at night.  The sippy cup should work fine, you dont need a bottle since he/she should be sitting up and able to drink at the table or seat.  You shouldnt give the child a bottle in the crib anyways, since the milk will sit on his/her teeth when they fall asleep and rot them.  You are half way there already!  

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