
How is it easier for Gov. Palin to run Alaska than to run any other state?

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The Donkeys keep saying "well, there aren't that many people there." How does that make any difference? Aren't the responsibilities the same regardless?




  1. Most of the attacks are just stupid. "She's formerly the mayor of a town of 9,000." ---- Well, Barack Obama was formerly an infant. Who cares? She's currently running a state. A state that happens to supply a lot of our energy. She's more knowledgeable on oil and energy than 125,000 Obama/Biden tickets. And I love how we're supposed to believe that running a state of 600,000 people is nothing, but being 1 of 2 votes in a 100 vote senate, from a state with 700,000 people is impressive.

    "She's the most inexperienced vp ever." Well, Obama is the least experienced presidential candidate ever. She's been a governor for 2 years, he's been senator for 4 years. I suppose we're supposed to believe that its those 2 extra years is what makes you fully qualified? Besides, almost all of those extra 2 years Obama was running for president, not being a senator. Plus, she has executive experience, he has none. And--she's actually run a business.  

  2. its not - she has to deal with oil companies, russia, and canada. i would like to know how being a senator of illinois for barely a term is harder..

  3. Not a bit fact, I imagine it is a good deal more difficult.  It's just the Obama camp trying their best to degrade an excellent VP choice.  They seem not to understand how incredibly stupid they sound questioning a vice presidential candidate's experience, when their candidate for the Whole Enchilada is so inexperienced himself.

  4. ahahahahahahahahahaha....hold ..on...can't stop laughing....ahahaha.......this woman has no foreign policy experience at ALL. Two of the top Alaska newspapers are questioning  whether she has the experience to be VP, that ought to tell you something.

  5. Small population...fewer problems.  Alaska is one corrupt state.  Maybe they are all  

    So, dealing with Russia on the fishing policy equates to foreign experience..all that in two years...please!  lol

  6. It's also a huge state.  This was the governor of more real estate than anyone else.

    And they will say anything at this point.  The Democrats are focusing on her instead of their candidate.  Probably not a good tactical move.

  7. have you ever tried to run a big city, like new york?

  8. It makes no difference at all.  Look at Bill Clinton.  He came from a state that Ross Perot called insignificant only to be publicly scolded by slick willy on how important that little hick state was to the hillbillys.  Then he went on to win the presidency.  Small insignificant state and all.

  9. Easier? Alaska is insolation and the shear size of it makes it harder to govern than say Deleware or even Wyoming. Alaska has a lot of unique qualities that make it harder to govern.

    Should you as a Dem really bring up experience as a factor to denounce a candidate?

  10. I find several things very difficult about AK.

    1) Energy issues:  Our country is so focused on energy, and McCain has tapped one of very few people who understand the issue of oil production and energy crisis better.  AK provides more oil than any other state, and yet they pay anywhere from $5-$10 per gallon.  How can you make those people happy?  Any yet, her approval has never dropped below 80%.

    2) Size:  It is the largest and most wild state in the country.  I can't imagine that keeping track of all of the regional issues and keeping everyone happy would be easy.

    3) Economy:  AK is effectively an economic island.  Everything is more expensive up there, simply because of the issue of shipping.  During this crapper of an economy, Palin has kept Alaskans happy, and the state running with a surplus.  How on earth did she do that?

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