
How is it easy to be social, when youve been backstabbed so many times?

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I always get stabed in the back, girls, friends, it always happened to me, its hard to be social! its really bad, any tips? I use to get sad alot and mad. about a year n a half ago i use to get these anger attacks out of no where in a restaurant at a store at home . there were times i would walk inside a restaurant n i would throw **** every where cuz they ****** my food up. It got alot better, its 5 times better, but im so unsocial now, Its to where I dont even wanna be social I just want to worry about myself n my family but I dont talk alot. Is good to be like that , can it effect me later on in different relations at work n outside in personal life situations?




  1. Shakespeare said," Love all, trust few."

    Sure, you've been back stabbed so many times by the people you love, but that doesn't mean that everyone is like that. When you're in a  social enviroment, throw all inhibitions aside and just be yourself. Keep your instinct to yourself though, and stay cautious when someone tries to get close.

    I understand how much it hurts to lose someone's trust and being hurt, but in the end, the people who are in your life are meant to be there, as well as the people who aren't. Love 'em.  

  2. Get guys as friends, girls always say how another girl talked about her behind her back.. guys don't care about that stuff, they're not gonna stab you in the back... well they most likely won't

  3. same here .....just don't get too close to them

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