
How is it faaaaiir?

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i wanna be an actor so frigggin bad.

not for fame

not for money.

just because i like to do it.

heck i even love to sing.

i dont understand.. People go into showbiiz & dont wanna complete their jobs.but people like me are out WANTING to be something like them.

Ugh! It urks me.

I wanna be in their boat & be able to choose whether i want to act for someone or not.





  1. Life isn't fair. Most the time people who become actor have family who are all really in showbiz or rich and have the money to start up their name as a actor. It suck but that how it is.

  2. answer the one question contained in your is not fair. Work hard at your craft as an actor and one day you will be respected for your talent.

  3. With all due respect, PLEASE don't use the above as an Intro on a cover letter or resume.

       While the fact that you WANNA is noble, Not many of us engage in a passion for simple reasons, and having and "exploring" a passion is as much WORK as being an auto mechanic.

       So many, especially young people come here by the thousands with the same dream, and please believe that while not every "A" list performer, or otherwise might have a passion for the craft, there are notions of some level of noteriety, popularity, even income, that are considered.

       The stats for 2008 show the average income for an actor at just under $49K. Obviously you can count on your hands those who are in the millionaire club, while those NOT, can fill several metro phone books.

       I've never seen statistics tracking those in the craft who "don't "Wanna" complete their jobs."???

       Part of the numbers, in your mention of people out there, equates to any position in any profession on the planet, IE:

    Thousands might want to be President, but there's only one BIG chair in the White House..

       Finally, and again, no offense, your last thought is a bit troublesome. "I wanna be in their boat & be able to choose whether i want to act for someone or not."

       To get INTO that "Boat" isn't a GIFT. It takes effort, as it did for those who ARE "in" the boat currently. To be at a status where you may be sent a script and BEGGED to take a role, is nearly as rare as Fish who can walk and live, on land.
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